

Western Cotton History - Blood Cotton Initiative

On the morning of March 27, Wuhe Qilin, a cartoonist who came out of the circle with satirical cartoons, released his latest work, indicting the history of blood and tears in the West led by the United States, titled "Blood Cotton Initiative".

Earlier, because of Australia's massacre of civilians in Afghanistan, a cartoon drawn by Wuhe Qilin, "The Teacher of Justice", became popular on the Internet, and was even posted on Twitter by the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zhao Lijian, strongly condemning the Australian military for committing crimes against Afghan civilians. heinous crimes.

The cartoon shows an Australian soldier holding a knife to a child's throat with the words "Don't be afraid, we're here to bring you peace".

The background of the cartoon is: On 19th 2020, an Australian judge released an investigation report into the crimes of Australian military personnel. The report, based on years of investigation by professionals, revealed that Australian soldiers stationed in Afghanistan brutally massacred 39 Afghan civilians under the pretext of "training their hands". Australian Defence Force Commander-in-Chief Campbell also personally admitted to the crimes committed by the army in Afghanistan and apologized for it.

On November 30, 2020, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison demanded a formal apology from China and sought Twitter to remove the "disgusting" image posted by Zhao Lijian.

It's really funny, if you tell us to delete it? Dare to be brave! So that day, Zhao Lijian directly pinned the picture to the top of his Twitter page. And Twitter also responded on December 1, 2020, officially rejecting the "deletion of the tweet of Zhao Lijian, the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "This tweet does not violate Twitter's regulations, so there is no reason. delete".

In response to Morrison, Wuhe Qilin created a new work "To Morrison". Some netizens put the latest work together with the previous work "The Teacher of Justice", which truly reflects "Morrison uses the national flag". cover up the crimes of the Australian Army".

To put it bluntly, Australia's move is not only a violation of human rights, but a war crime against humanity. But until now, Australia's focus has been on others. On March 23, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne and New Zealand Foreign Minister Mahuta issued a statement emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability, and again called on China to allow UN experts and other independent observers to conduct meaningful and unrestricted visits to Xinjiang.

Surprisingly, the door to the Xinjiang region has always been open, and envoys from the European Union and other countries have been invited to visit China many times to learn about a real Xinjiang. However, these envoys in China not only delayed for various reasons, but even made unreasonable demands. It is not obvious that they have a ghost in their hearts. They know that Xinjiang is now very good and the society is stable. The people live and work in peace and contentment. Did the media play this "Xinjiang card" in full view?

Not to mention Australia's notorious "White Australia Policy", the extermination of Aboriginal people, the forcible removal of 100,000 Aboriginal children from their homes, and the accountability of those who caused the "stolen generation" pain? Let's just say that the heinous crimes committed by the Australian army in Afghanistan today are condemned by the global media and even many media. Australia is still as stable as a mountain. What is the result of the investigation? Can anyone be held accountable? Can there be an explanation for the innocent victims?

Back to the latest cartoon of Wuhe Qilin. Recently, Western countries led by the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada have used the so-called "forced labor" and "human rights violations" in Xinjiang to boycott Xinjiang cotton by the "Better Cotton Development Institute (BCI)" supported by the United States Development Agency and Swiss Fund. , to H&M and other foreign clothing companies that eat Chinese food but are active in the front line of boycotting. Wuheqilin's cartoons include it, like a puzzle game, and even more details.

The most prominent scene in the cartoon is a reporter with a microphone in hand and a camera in his hand, interviewing a scarecrow in national costume. "scarecrow! Well, that's right, the scarecrow, the scarecrow that doesn't speak. It doesn't matter if you can't speak, there is a sign next to it that reads "I was sexually assaulted and subjected to 'forced labor'".

The background of the painting is that black slaves are picking cotton, and there are supervisors monitoring and beating black slaves in the distance. What is terrifying is that a black slave's hand disappeared and appeared on the scarecrow. The overseers, reporters and photographers all wore pointed white hoods that only exposed their eyes, reminiscent of the "logo" of the Ku Klux Klan (formerly known as the White Race Rally), the largest racist organization in the United States.

The abbreviation BCI of this picture just corresponds to the abbreviation of "Better Cotton Development Association of Switzerland", and the microphone in the reporter's hand has an icon that looks like BBC News. Does the kneeling posture of the policeman look similar to the uniform he is wearing? Like the white American policeman who kneeled to kill the black Floyd? In addition, cotton-picking tools resembling the Nike logo appear in the painting.

The West only cares about spreading rumors and smearing Xinjiang, but pretends to be deaf and dumb about its history of enslaving black people for hundreds of years. In the left corner of the comic, there are two hanged black slaves on the tree, and there is a bloodstain in the shape of H&M on the tree next to it. Under the two black slaves, there is real blood cotton.

Similar to Wuhe Qilin, Chinese young people with "outstanding combat effectiveness" have grabbed a lot of them. In the face of today's strong patriotism, the "American" values of Western values have long since declined. Chinese young people not only do not buy it, but also hold a negative attitude. As the country rises and falls, the country is getting stronger and stronger. These Chinese latecomers are more confident and brave. China's future has always been in their own hands, not just a few so-called Western powers!


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