
曾任台中日月千禧酒店24F 景觀餐廳 樂師 台北濕地《失落的伊甸園》微森林藝術展 展覽配樂製作 台北金車文藝中心-承德館《時光旅人》 展覽配樂製作 老虎牙子-廣告配樂製作 新北市政府親子情感教育篇-微電影配樂製作 Mystery of the Kingdom-動畫電影配樂 南投縣高中聯合監製《中漂之後》-微電影配樂製作 離你越近的地方,路途越遠;最簡單的音調,需要最艱苦的練習。 —泰戈爾

Zhang Xiamu "Emily in Paris Season 2" Emily in Paris season 2 Lily Collins

Lily Collins becomes a real French

Following the first season of "Emily in Paris"

In addition to revolving around Emily, Camille, and Chef Gabriel, the love triangle

There is also a longing French life, and a super exciting workplace struggle,

Reminiscent of the classic movie "The Devil Wears Prada"

When it first appeared on Netflix, it captured global fans, not only because of the romantic beauty of Paris, France

It is also because of the unrestrained freedom of French life and the changeable and fashionable style of the heroine Emily.

It fills the audience with yearning for the romantic life in Paris.

"Emily in Paris 2" , in addition to the original cast of the previous season, this second season also added new members,

British actor Lucien Laviscount. Laviscount will play Alfie,

A cynical yet charming Londoner who resists immersing himself completely in French culture.

In the play, Emily's new love, Alfie , met in French class, and the love life between the two made the audience blush.

However, the complicated love triangle between Emily and Gabriel and Camille continues, and there are many

The [Careful Machine] between girlfriends increases the complexity of the emotional line in the play and pushes the plot to another climax.

The second season also brings out more [French life]

For example, no work on vacation days, life and work should be completely separated,

In the play, even though Emily went to the resort with her best friends, she still had only work on her mind.

But it was incredible for the French. In addition, the French advocate nature,

When the heat wave hits, they don't stay at home and install air-conditioning in the company,

So every summer, Parisians go to resorts to escape the heat.

It turns out that Sivir has a husband in the second season

It's just that I have been separated from my husband for many years and have never divorced.

They play their own way, but they still feel good when they meet each other, and they get along as naturally as friends.

Will also help each other when needed, perhaps in the eyes of the French, maintaining such a relationship is the most suitable.

However, such a relationship may be rare for Asians.

Although Emily in the second season, the story line is mostly around feelings,

But the cast of characters and the complex French romantic life are still very fascinating to watch. Among them,

The story also mentions a fashion show at the Palace of Versailles in France,

The atmosphere in the play makes people think that they are really living in Paris, France, with wonderful scenes, relaxing music, and a leisurely life.

Emily in Paris Season 2 : Recent interviews with the cast


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