
Animals deserve respect as much as people

In this beautiful world, animals and people should be respected. They have the same right to life as we do. This is our world, but it is also theirs. Therefore, this planet belongs to all creatures living on it. However, many people object to this idea because they believe that animals have no feelings and no souls.

Do we have all the rights just because we are at the top of the food chain? Do humans have the right to abolish the privileges of animals? Haven't we learned from countless wars?

It seems not! Many people still don't understand, like a child who will never learn. Animals have rights. They should of course also be respected so that they can live without pain, without abuse, without torture. Life is life and should be cherished. Animals cannot speak for themselves, so we should be their spokespersons and care for them.

So, protecting them is something you and I should be proud of. As individuals, this is our responsibility. All living beings have the right to be free from persecution, cruelty, captivity, exploitation and abuse by people. When we respect the well-being of animals, we can restore the balance of nature conservation.

animals should be respected

"Every animal on earth has the same right as you and me to be respected and loved here."

Yet too many people believe that animals are on this planet for us to exploit, dominate, exploit and rule them. Many of us think that we are above it all, but we have so much to learn. However, there are some who do believe that animals deserve as much respect as people.

So, I am one of them, and I firmly believe that animals deserve a better place in our world. They are conscious beings. We should protect them like we care for disabled children. None of them have the principles of consciousness that we do. But they still need to be loved, cared for, protected and respected.

blind truth

While animals can't tell us how they feel, that doesn't mean they don't have rights. One day our sun will swell and that will be our end. However, we cannot escape the fact. It's us who define what criteria to add to value. But who gave us such a privilege?

In my opinion, I believe that animals have a special place in our world, and that some animals, especially our pets, become family members. They have no voice to speak for themselves, so they deserve to be respected and saved. And I believe that we as human beings should do the same for them.

Of course, I don't think animals need to rule over human society. But does this give us the right to be cruel, to kill, to torture, to starve, to torture or butcher other living beings? It is illegal to kill other people, but somehow it is okay to hurt, torture or kill animals. How can this not be broken? Most of us are blind to the truth.

Animals and the Arrogant Species

"Animals are the real victims of the planet. They have no wars, no weapons, no desire to destroy humanity, or impose religion on them. Yet, for some, their only crime is their very existence."

We are, in fact, an arrogant species that considers itself superior to all other species and below every other rank. Most people claim that animals have no feelings or souls. They think they are worthless and only come to provide food and needs for us humans.

Growing up, I have always rebelled and wondered why humans think they are at the top of the food chain. We are not faster, stronger, or even smarter than many animals. We can reason, of course, and have a great deal of intellect at our disposal. But then again, we're also the only arrogant species that doesn't have that much respect and is hell-bent on killing the planet that sustains us. So, in my opinion, this wisdom is more like stupidity.

animals have feelings

Despite all that is going on in our world, our lack of consideration and awareness on this issue shows that we are not where we should be. First, we pay equal attention to our fellow animals and our fellow human beings. Some are trying to wake up right now, but we have a long way to go.

So, all animals should be respected, because they can feel pain in the same way and degree as you and me. They can feel happiness, pain, fear, joy, care, sadness, loneliness and maternal love. They understand more than we impress on them.

Animals are also living creatures. Why people feel better about themselves, I don't understand. If there are no animals in this world, human beings will have nothing. In fact, killing animals is as bad as killing humans, both are murder. It is fine to kill an insect by mistake, but it is wrong to kill a herd of cows or lions. Many times, I think humans are equal, even inferior, to other animals.

The most disrespectful animal of all

Our ability to think, imagine and invent things is why humans flourished in the first place. What an incredible ability. Yes, we humans have imaginations, but we also have self-awareness. So, we have the skill to reflect on our own existence. However, we should have more integrity and compassion.

Indeed, we are the most complicated of all animals in this world, but also the least respectful of people. We can speak different languages, we can cook food, we can create things, we can drive cars or planes, we can even argue about various situations. However, I have to ask you. "If we are smarter and have a greater capacity for thinking why are we so disrespectful of this planet and the animals that live on it?"

So the world would be a much better place without our stupid ways of thinking we are the best thing on the planet. Yet we act like fools and treat animals as things! No matter what you say, people are animals at heart. We hunt, fight, breed, herd, live, just like other animals, and sometimes in worse ways.

animals are not things

However, through our experience, we know that animals experience pain and suffering too. In science, we increasingly recognize that many of them exhibit intelligent behavior. It is unacceptable to perceive another person as inferior because of the color of their skin or their gender. So, it's not fair to disrespect animals. Instead, they deserve as much respect as you and I, if not more.

We are the most dominant species on this beautiful planet. Therefore, we have a moral responsibility to protect the interests of all other life on Earth. And that starts with accepting them as equals. Animals are not something we can exploit, they are not toys or objects. They are living creatures, just like you and me. It doesn't matter to me whether animals think or talk, it's more that "many people are suffering".

"I hope that one day humans will view the murder and injury of animals the same way they view the murder of humans now." - A wish by Leonardo da Vinci.

last word on animals

Have you ever observed how a factory farm or slaughterhouse is done? What if it had glass walls? Can you still look them in the eye and say you can't see the pain they're suffering? I can't see it.

I once worked as an assistant to a veterinarian. Sometimes, I have to look them in the eye to put them down. They have feelings, so I chose to resign and find a better way to help them! My job is to help them.

Therefore, I just feel that animals should have the opportunity to live healthy and happy lives. People aren't better off because they use tools or because they're smart. Exploiting innocent creatures, sometimes in very cruel ways, simply cannot be tolerated. They feel and think sometimes just like us. Therefore, animals should be respected just like us. Let's start now.


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