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Because of him, I learned to love myself

Maybe it's because of my love that I have the idea to change.

love yourself

When I first heard this word, I was confused, what exactly does it mean to love yourself?

I probably understand it now. I can only say that there is no standard answer to this word. You can only understand it if you experience it yourself. After all, everyone treats themselves differently.

In fact, since I was a child, I have always had a problem emotionally. I often put my attention on others and rarely on myself.

That is to say, in my heart, I must always like a person, and then satisfy myself and make myself happy by paying attention to the every move of the person I like.

Because of this broken love, I realized that I have such a problem, so I decided to solve this problem, because I think that if this problem is not solved, I may be hurt more in the future.

In order to solve this problem, I found a psychological counselor for emotional counseling. In addition to falling out of love, I also told the psychologist that I had such a problem.

I still remember, when I was doing counseling once, the psychologist asked me, who do you think you are wearing now? I replied, it was me, and I was very excited at the moment.

I used to focus on others, but I have gradually learned to focus on myself.

Now, I am often aware of my emotions. When bad emotions appear, I will ask myself what is wrong? Also ask yourself at the end of the day, how are you today?

For me, loving myself doesn't have to be about doing a lot or looking really good.

I think it is necessary to always pay attention to yourself, understand yourself, be someone who can make you happy, and accept your imperfections and understand your personality traits, because everyone is unique, and only when you know yourself very well, What other people say to you, you won't be influenced by others.

What others say only represents what he thinks of himself, not what he sees in the eyes of others, it means that he is the real self.


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