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Does the caste system still exist in India?

If you have read history, you will know that the caste system was created because of the rule of the Aryans. However, the caste system has affected India for hundreds of years, and it has also caused a lot of problems because of the caste system, and the most serious problem is discrimination. , People of different classes often discriminate against each other, or even do not interact with each other, so India amended the constitution after independence, and everyone must not discriminate against others because of different castes, different religions, different regions, etc., and also abolished because of A system of different castes without contact.

This kind of regulation does not actually mean that the government has abolished caste. I used to think that the Indian government has abolished the caste system, but it is only because this system has affected India for too many years and everyone is still slowly changing.

After listening to the explanation recently, I realized that the caste system has not really been abolished. The government has only banned discrimination.

Why do you say that?

In India's caste system, everyone will have a surname representing the class. However, the government did not remove this surname, but continued to keep it. The reason is that because of the government's reservation system, people of lower castes need to be given subsidies or are some perks.

It is precisely because the government needs to subsidize the lower castes, it must be identified by the surname of the caste, and who belongs to the lower caste can be given benefits, so the government has not really abolished the caste, nor can it be abolished.

At this time, some people feel that this is not fair at all, and it is also like some kind of discrimination in disguise.

I personally think that such a mechanism is a bit like Taiwan's subsidies for low-income households, or preferential treatment for aborigines. I don't think there is anything particularly strange.

I don't know what do you guys think?


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