
莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。 竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎。 回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴。 蘇軾 - 定風波


What is your investment in mind? What are the prerequisites for investing?

In the new year, everyone will have many new plans, which may include investment, but have you ever thought about what investment is in your mind?

Lishen first and disclaimer, I am not an investment professional, but I have participated in traditional investments, such as: stocks, funds, properties, etc. Therefore, I will only talk about experience, no tricks, no stock numbers, and no Would recommend what to invest in.

So, what is the investment in my mind?

In fact, the prerequisite for any investment is to have capital.

This capital can be labor, money, objects, knowledge, skills, environment, resources, etc.

Therefore, before investing, first, you should first understand what your capital is.

Some capitals are valuable in themselves, some need to be discovered, some need to be combined and adjusted to have value, and of course some are worthless at all.

For example, if you are good at writing, it is the capital, but whether it is valuable or not is another matter.

Second, what you need to know is what you want in return

Want money? Want a name? Want material comforts? Want good memories? Or for family? for friends? for ideal?

If you don't know what you want in return, you will end up wasting time and money, getting what you don't want, or losing the capital you want to keep.

Same example, do you want to get paid for writing? Is it money? praise? ideal?

Third, you need to know how much loss you can afford

Investment is bound to have gains and losses. If you invest your capital, you may not have a return. Maybe the return is not ideal. Maybe you lose money, you may get another return. But when it comes to the loss that you cannot bear, you must adjust, suspend or change your investment method, otherwise you will not be able to turn around.

For example, if you want to make money by writing in Matters, but there is no expected return, and you have lost a lot of effort, will you consider changing the way you write, or stop your losses and leave?

Fourth, choose the investment vehicle that suits you

Everyone’s capital is different, the expected return is different, and the loss is different. Therefore, you should not follow other people’s investment when you see the success of others’ investment. Choosing the right investment tool for you may not be able to achieve the expected return for you in the short term, but in the long run, A sustainable and effective investment tool will definitely give you the expected return.

If writing is really not the right investment tool, would you choose something else?

Fifth, set an investment period

Investment has profit and loss. In addition to setting a stop profit and stop loss, you also need to set a time limit for the investment. The purpose is to check whether your capital is more or less, and the investment tool is useful or useless. As soon as the deadline comes, it is necessary to decide on the investment strategy for the next deadline. It can be extended, adjusted, or changed. Don’t think that the way of success can be unchanged for life. Similarly, the way of failure should not be used repeatedly.

Writing itself has a deadline, if you can't publish it, you can't get paid.

Sixth, investment is a long-term plan and a life plan

An investment plan is a life plan, because you will use your capital and hope to get the expected return, which will help you lead a better life; but investment, like life, has its own gains and losses, so life needs continuous improvement. The same is true of investment. It cannot be static and needs continuous improvement.

Writing has no age limit, it can be a stage in your life, or it can be your whole.

Seventh, make good use of rewards

It's not difficult to make a return on investment, but it is difficult to know how to make good use of the return. Some people keep reinvesting the returns, even if the returns have exceeded expectations, because they want the so-called "earning a little more". Others save their returns and stop investing them. Remember, the payoff is what you expect, and if you get it, you should apply it. No, there is still one step left, and it has not really succeeded. If the return on your investment is money, and the purpose is to improve the quality of life, then use it to improve the quality of life. If you don't use it, no matter how much money you have, it will not improve the quality of life.

If writing really made money, how would it be used? Or do you still think you earn too little to be of much use?

Eighth, invest in yourself and achieve yourself

In fact, the ultimate goal of any investment is to invest in yourself, and the ultimate return is to make your life more fulfilling and fulfilling.

I am busy enough with daily necessities of life, but if you want to invest in yourself, you don’t want to waste your life. If you want to know more, learn more, and savor more, you have to invest. Therefore, we invest capital, including labor, money, time, listening, action, concentration, care, sharing, etc., to make life more interesting and colorful.

When you know how to invest in yourself, your capital will also increase and strengthen, and then go back to the first point, you will find that your investment will be endless and endless.

If you really want to be rewarded with writing, think about how to invest in yourself.

Writing is just an example, not investment advice, don't blame me for any losses! !


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