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About scars|A work accident


Participated in the community activity "A Rare Experience in Life" earlier, it was mentioned that when I entered the operating room for the first time , I left scars on my feet. I saw that there was another community activity "About Scars", and then I checked my body and there were many more. Scars (wry smile), just before the end of the event (30/11), I will reveal my "scars".

[The following content contains bloody scenes, please pay attention! 】

At the age of fourteen, I finally reached the age where I could be a child laborer, so I took advantage of the summer vacation to work in a factory to learn how to make money by myself.

In the working environment of this factory, the men are mainly responsible for handling, packaging, and heavy work, and the women are responsible for the installation of detailed parts, sitting on the production line, each person installs a part, one by one, cooperative and cooperative Higher requirements. I am not tall and strong. I was assigned to work on the production line, and I followed a long-term worker sister. Although there were occasional disagreements due to the problem of working speed, I generally got along well.

The accident happened in an instant!

One day, as usual, I arrived before working hours in the morning. I had breakfast at the seat of the production line. Halfway through the meal, I saw a knife inserted in the table next to me. The knife used in these factories was modified. Knives or pockets, the handle is simply wrapped in cardboard. After I saw it, out of good intentions, I planned to pull it out and put it away in order to avoid hurting people if it was stuck on the stage.

I used my left hand to pull out the dagger, feeling the heat for a while, and realized that I only pulled out the handle of the cardboard knife. I was about to put the dagger on the handle, and when I tried to draw the dagger again, I saw blood in my left hand. , it is not clear that it is flowing out from that position.


I was just going to ask someone to take a toilet paper to wipe the blood on my hand, but I didn't expect the situation to be a little serious. It turned out that I injured the second section of my index finger!

I still couldn’t clear the blood that came out of the tissue paper one after another. At this time, the team leader also came to ask what happened. When he knew that the bleeding could not be stopped, he took me to the personnel department downstairs to find the medical medicine box.

I followed the team leader down the stairs of the factory building. When I met the employees who were going up, most of them were women. They were frightened by my bloody hands, and they all avoided them. At the same time, the team leader yelled at me not to lower my hand, there would be more blood, and in fact there was blood dripping on the steps, and the scene was even more frightening. So, I had no choice but to hold my hand, speed up to the ground floor, enter the factory's personnel department, and receive initial first aid.

When I entered the personnel department, they all had experience in dealing with injured employees. When they knew that I had an accident, and saw that I was still awake and able to act, they calmly asked me what happened. When they knew it was a finger injury, they cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide. The blood was still flowing, so I was asked if I should go to the hospital or receive general treatment for injuries.

Because I had a bad experience of stitching needles in the hospital when I was a child, I believed that my finger was just a bruise, and I didn't want to have the factory inspected because of my negligence, so I didn't go to the hospital, and it was fine to bandage the wound in the factory, but now it seems that it is

Big mistake!

In the event of a work-related accident, whether it is yourself or someone else, do not go to the hospital for treatment because of someone's responsibility or other problems. Even if you are not sent to the hospital through the factory, you should seek medical treatment yourself. Don't imagine that the wound will recover automatically.

As a matter of fact, my injured index finger has many sequelae due to the poor burying and no stitches. Although there is no problem with the movement, it cannot bear any force, because it hurts when touched. My condition is still good with the index finger of my left hand. If it is a right hand, I will use my left hand to write and become left-handed.

After the accident, he was basically unable to work due to a hand injury. In addition, the summer vacation was almost over, so he left early and recuperated at home.

Another experience of being injured during the summer vacation. After the summer vacation, I did not go to work in the factory again, but instead went to the church to do volunteer work or participate in summer activities.

Every time I get hurt, I don't feel the pain at first, it just bleeds and others get nervous, so I go to the treatment myself.

In life, you have been injured more or less, some are physically, externally, also in the body, and in the mind , you may not know that you are injured, but other people are worried, worrying about you, governing for you, maybe At the time, I thought that it didn't matter, that minor injuries were minor pains, but during the subsequent recuperation and nursing, I found that some scars could not be recovered, and occasionally they would give you the aftertaste of the pain.

There are also some scars, no pain, just scars, which can be said to be "irrelevant", but enough to remind you of the little things in life.


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