HJ|Chaos to Cosmos
HJ|Chaos to Cosmos

我們不說再見,我們在路上見|https://liker.land/redisyoyo/civic 多感善愁、哲思玄想與永遠拒絕政治正確的小天地 Chaos意即混亂、混沌,Cosmos代表規律、秩序的宇宙 寫作,對我而言,便是從雜多當中找回理解與共感的可能

Chaos Daily Essays|Small thoughts - what reason do you have not to write?

When writing, I do not control the word, but dance with it. Before it is expressed by you, it is just it. Once it is written, it becomes him.

Just reading this article made me realize that I made the right choice to come to Matters. We are determined to be more honest and braver than anyone else, giving everything without reservation. I was naked in Matt City, but I didn't feel a trace of shame, which was the greatest feeling that Matt City gave me. Everyone here is too unique to have a precise definition of "what's this place like?"

Just like if someone wants to ask me, "What kind of person do you think you are?", maybe we can politely say: I am a person who loves to write, if he is also a fellow traveler, I will directly throw my homepage to show him , he will know what kind of person I am. I've always believed that the best way to get to know someone is to read what they've written, and we all do that in Matt City.

After creating the Matters account for more than a week, I decided to change from a reader to a creator. At the same time, I got some kind of switch. I always feel that I will really invest a lot of time here in the future. As a person whose head can never stop, there are always too many things to express, there are always things waiting to be written by me, the things worth writing in this world are too colorful, so they can never be exhausted. A man can only write for his own words.

The word "for" here I am not using the meaning of "for", but the meaning of "passive", each person can only be written by his words. When I write, I don't control the word, I dance with it. Before it is expressed by you, it is just it. Once it is written, it becomes him.

I read Zhang Yunzhi’s article again today. He mentioned that Matters was a light that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes when he was in poverty. Facing the wave of no one reading long articles, there are still many people here who insist on working hard to produce Quality article. We still insist on thinking hard, savoring the details of life seriously, and opening the door to the senses and mind. Let the antonyms of waste and hydrology - this is really what Matters gave me - continue to be the nutrients for our continuous creation.

The most knowledgeable articles have long been disproportionate to the traffic under the erosion of the superficial wave. Too many political factors disturb the quality of our words to be read and written on both sides. My major may be philosophy, I won't talk about philosophy here, after all, philosophy is just a part of life.

If you want to talk about philosophy, go to the library and find friends, but not here. Philosophy can be talked about anytime and anywhere, but as soon as the inspiration waiting to be expressed is not expressed, he slips away.

Here's where streaking with words, here's closed deconstruction, here's Matt City.

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