

1 point of love can find 10 all 10 beautiful life in 0

Focus on the little things to see love

It was dark and quiet, I looked into the distance through the window, and the darkness surrounded the place with no lights. My heart suddenly relaxed a lot. I went back to the bed, turned off the fluorescent lights, and just wanted to sleep with my children. , the child was embraced by me, and fell asleep comfortably, leaving me staring at the ceiling blankly, a few pictures flashed in front of me, I quickly interrupted the crazy scene, calmed down, and enjoyed this awe-inspiring dark color, Time passed quickly, and my eyelids gradually became tired. In a blink of an eye, I closed my eyes to rest, and I switched the channel directly in my mind. Soon the picture came into my eyes, and someone strode to the blackboard and wrote a sentence, " There is no such thing as 10 and 10 in the world." He said solemnly, "If there is none, why should we complain about that 1 point." After erasing the 1, there are only 0 left, and he said in a low voice, " One more point for resentment is the whole point. It’s empty .” As soon as my mood changed, I could find a life of 10 and 10 beauty in 0 with 1 point of love.

The image quickly retreated, and I jumped into the mountains in a short time. Many people rushed to watch the fun. I couldn't hold back my curiosity. I complained, "Someone's hat has been stolen." I followed him to find out, the big man came over, grinned and said, "The hat that was stolen seems to be alive, I can't take it off, and it's still alive. I can't sleep well after tossing, and it was stolen today, so I feel at ease." I hurriedly thought, worrying about myself, and my heart felt at ease when I unloaded it .

I walked to the edge of the cliff and bumped into an old man who couldn't bear to see him and wanted to jump off. I hurriedly grabbed him and asked him worriedly, "What's wrong with you?" He pointed to a small boat and said with a sad face, " The rope can't be untied, how do I get out of the boat." I said kindly, "Take a sharp weapon to break it." He smiled unconsciously, "The heart is the key." Ma can open the heart .

All of a sudden, there was no sound. At this time, someone was discussing outside the cave. I approached curiously. There was a large black ink next to the entrance of the cave. The last icy cold, a portrait of Bodhidharma facing the wall, hung on the stone wall, with a small character inscribed in the painting, "Love", and suddenly it caught fire and burst into flames, and a group of people outside shouted, "Buddha has appeared." I was shocked to realize that focusing on small things is to see love, and my heart is full of enthusiasm, and love has manifested itself .

Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash


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