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the law of liberty

(Press for 2020: Revisiting old works. The works from many years ago are also a scene of schadenfreude, and the dialogues of all parties are quite similar. The difference is that the accumulated hatred is more than before, and the entanglement will only be more resistant. I do not I like to gloat in misfortune, and I even praise giving help in the snow (if there is one), but I will not accuse people of gloating. Because, even if I don't believe in the law of causality, the right and wrong of the world are accumulated, and how many people can categorically cut off the antecedent. What the author sighs even more is that the two sides are pulled because of hatred, and these almost conditioned responses are actually unfree. Perhaps more practical is to untie the knots one by one. If not, now is a good opportunity to wake up to where social contradictions and inferiority come from and how to stop them.” This conclusion is still valid today.)

The most high-profile news of the week is arguably the suicide of the son of the deputy education bureau and its aftermath. As soon as the news came out, there were a lot of responses on the Internet, including schadenfreude comments. As a result, the death of a son has become a new battleground for both the establishment and the radicals: the establishment accuses the other of being weak, and the radical accuses the establishment of hypocrisy of students who have committed suicide since the beginning of the year without the same concern. Until the date of writing, the two sides' offense and defense continued.

Regarding the standard of conduct, the book of James in the Bible teaches from the very beginning that "do the word, not just hear the word" (1:22), and that to do the word is to fulfill the law (2:8). And in James' description, the law is what sets people free. This seems to be contrary to what people know, so James uses a mirror example to illustrate (1:23–24). People look in the mirror in order to know the real appearance of their own appearance; if people do not accept their appearance and deliberately forget their own appearance in the mirror, they are actually deceiving themselves. The same is true of the standard law. If a person listens to the law but is unwilling to obey it and pretends to forget it, this kind of apology reflects that there is something wrong with his life. Therefore, whether or not to practice the law becomes the standard by which one is evaluated. One can "achieve freedom (ἐλευθερίας)" if one does not deceive oneself, face the problem without barriers and practice the teaching of the truth.

What standard is society using today? Young people’s perceptions of society are always learned from their elders and those in positions of authority. If those in positions of authority are upright (as James pointed out), young people will agree with this standard and respect them. By. On the other hand, if the attitude of the superiors towards the standard is just "moving the dragon door", the young people will not only disdain the standard but also will not respect the superiors. When those in positions of authority accuse others of being rude, the standard they use is "wives and children": they cannot be ridiculed because of how the deputy director's words and deeds are linked to the misfortunes of their relatives. However, people often see examples of "disaster to others" in society: the slogan about Liu Xia being imprisoned again in EdU University, the teacher who was investigated by the Education Department because of his injustice, and the "journalist" who was investigated for online comments To the KOLs in the school, etc., all kinds of "Cultural Revolution-style" methods of slaughtering and killing are contrary to "wives and children". Perhaps, the superiors will be cut off from these means, or the two things are of different nature and cannot be confused. However, in the eyes of others, it is a evasive remark. As James said: "Whoever keeps all the law, but breaks one, breaks all the law... Even if you do not commit adultery, but murder, you are breaking the law" (2:10–11), A standard that cannot be implemented is not a standard. As a result, "to those who have no mercy, they shall be judged without mercy" (2:13), and the tragedy turns into cynicism.

For the deceased, the author expresses deep sympathy and wishes for the living. What worries me is that the turmoil caused by a young man's suicide has transcended the discussion of moral standards and turned into a political wrestling. Because of the shifting standards of the political wind, people are bound and cannot be set free. The author understands that the world is complicated, and that the world cannot be ruled by implementing three or two principles. However, the Bible teaches quite clearly that "the commandments . Love is not doing evil to its neighbor, so love is the fulfillment of the law." All the world's affairs cannot escape the command of "love". Unless those in positions of power continue to take struggle as the key link, now is a good opportunity to wake up to where social contradictions and weakness come from and how to stop them.

(Photo: https://s.rfi.fr/media/display/d88eabbe-5489-11ea-9dfd-005056a98db9/w:980/p:16x9/hongkong-1.jpg )


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