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A lifetime of homework——Speak love to yourself and others


Yesterday, I watched an episode of "Earth Testimony Guide", which shared about Plum Village, a meditation center in France, how Thich Nhat Hanh from Vietnam received foreigners at the meditation center.

Plum Village is like a pure land on earth. Many pagans who came to participate in the meditation were deeply moved. After the meditation, they all accepted the five precepts. However, the Zen master told them that they did not need to change their religion. Just keep it.

Buddhists should all know that in order to obtain a human body in the cycle of reincarnation, keeping the five precepts is the basic. Plum Village, which advocates a mindful life, avoids using "negative and violent" language in daily teaching, including introducing the Five Precepts instead of "dogmatic", but rather "encouraging and positive" interpretations, such as:

 Don't kill → love life, respect life and don't steal → give generously and don't commit sexual misconduct → be responsible for sexual behavior...

Even in everyday language, it doesn't say "bells" or "drums", but "invitation to the bells". …

The gentle and positive language, coupled with the Zen master's personal teaching charm, has created a gentle environment for Mei Village, attracting many families to bring their old and young to meditate every year.

Indeed, whether it is words or even sounds, I believe that they contain energy that is invisible to the human eye. Words and language are produced through the human heart; when we write and speak, it will also affect a person's mind.

In addition, Plum Village not only accepts everyone's true colors, but does not criticize students who are not familiar with the rules; the children's physical and mental development is also specially taken care of, and everyone is encouraged to develop the habit of positive thinking, thus creating a wave that can affect the development of personal psyche. energy of.

Therefore, after watching the film, I was deeply inspired, because whenever I faced a problem, I was accustomed to self- and exclusive criticism, and the negative thoughts that popped up in my heart immediately sent out negative words, and then I let myself fall into emotional turmoil. in the vortex. During my growing years, I was often faced with the dilemma that I was tired of comforting my emotions, and it was difficult to build my self-confidence, which even affected my daily interpersonal relationships.

Now, I decided to remind myself that in addition to treating others, when facing myself, I also need to maintain righteous thoughts in my heart, including being aware of the rise of thoughts. No matter whether it is good or bad, positive or negative, don’t be in a hurry to criticize or deny it. Accept it first and then deal with it.

Even if it will take me a lifetime, I hope that I can learn to subdue my body and mind. Under the influence of the sun and the moon, I can become a warmer and softer person, so that I can face the ups and downs of emotions, the environment, people and things. The changes can be calm and peaceful.

Bless yourself and bless you.

Watch "Earth Testimony Guide - Umemura Meditation Center"

Plum Village, the hometown of the soul


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