

The characters far outweigh the plot: "The Blacklist" [Matters Guide to Chasing Dramas]

How many people, like me, have little exposure to American dramas? Ashamed, I didn't even want to watch a lot of popular American dramas, and even "Escape", "Lucifer", "Cold War Spy Dream" and other relatively suitable for my appetite, I gave up in a very short time (right above). A truly complete reading is already "News Pioneer"). Without him, although the plots of American dramas can be compact and exciting, and the viewing rate is top-notch, there is still no character that can leave a deep impression in my mind...

Until, I came into contact with the "Blacklist".

"Black" by Raymond "Red" Reddington, the most wanted criminal in the United States, voluntarily frees himself from the FBI, and proposes to cooperate with the FBI in exchange for a "blacklist" of criminals that the FBI has never found. That said, it was specified to only work with Elizabeth "Liz" Keen, a rookie analyst in the FBI.

To say that the plot of "Black" has not been much special since the eight seasons. Each episode is based on a "blacklist" character, showing the process of FBI agents such as Red and Liz in the pursuit of criminals; and each season has another main line, from the seemingly independent criminal pursuit of each episode. item on a larger topic. From the first show to solve the mystery of Red's designation of Liz as a partner, to slowly pulling Liz from law enforcement to the world of criminals in the second and third seasons, and then slowly Red and Liz are unknown to themselves. (or unwilling to face) out of the water, etc.

To be honest, in terms of plot, the level of "Black" is actually not high, especially in terms of the level of American dramas. But why do I have a soft spot for "Black"?

Quite simply, it's the actor -- To be more specific, it's James Spader who plays Red.

From the first sight of James Spader's Red, it's no exaggeration to say that I fell in love at first sight! I was not involved in all the movies and dramas he has acted in in the past, but because of this, he gave me a "real" feeling - a middle-aged slightly fat shape and a long-wearing hat, a king who can't hide himself Domineering, in all kinds of criminals, his appearance will definitely make the arrogant one automatically become his sidekick. The short stories that come from his mouth, complemented by his magnetic voice and dashing body expression, make those who come into contact with him - whether it is a criminal, the FBI, or even the President of the United States - never understand or dare to test his heart. .

Maybe you will think that there is a crime drama where black and white are clearly opposed to each other. If this is the conclusion, "Black" is definitely not a good drama. However, the Red played by James, roaming between black and white with ease, also explained to everyone the fuzzy definition of "black with white, white with black" in the real world, and among all kinds of people , Red is standing in the middle of the blurred line, both black and not black, not white but hidden white, such a high angle, James plays very well.

In the process of cooperating with the FBI, James brought out the feeling of how Red always takes one step ahead and arranges the overall situation. When facing the danger that cannot be escaped in the eyes of the audience such as me, he often succeeds in a method that you have to admire. I escaped danger and achieved my goal. At this time, my reaction was not that James played well, but that he was "deserved to be the criminal gatekeeper who has been in the world for many years." Yes, from my point of view, James Spader seems to have captured Red's soul and became Red with his own body, or to put it more directly, James is Red!

Here are a few examples to give you a sneak peek at how James Spader brought the role of Red to life.

And then some of my personal favorite lines from Red.

I've always found fear to be my most valuable sense.
I had bullets. He had words. But when he was done talking, for the first time I truly understood which of those was more powerful.
Agent Keen, in this world, there are no sides, only players.
Value loyalty above all else.
There is nothing that can take the pain away. But eventually you will find a way to live with it. There will be nightmares. And every day when you wake up, it will be the first thing you think about. Until one day, it will be the second thing.

When you see my entire promotion of "Black", but spend more than half of the page expressing my love for the role of Red and my appreciation for James' excellent acting, you will understand: "Black" is in my position, not what James played. Red, there is no watchability. Believe me, the charm of James / Red is really irresistible!

Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/70281312

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