

[Photo Album] You're the Worst: Hilarious Porn Adult Romance


I like to eat dog food. My favorite pastime in my life, one is shoujo manga, and the other is romance novels. In the past, I wanted to have some fun while learning English, so I began to patrol the romantic albums in Europe and the United States. Among them, this "I'm in Love with the Worst" ("You're the Worst") is really a "clear stream".

The show was originally a unit drama form (later seasons are different). Politically incorrect and subversive behaviors and remarks are the basics, and swear words, sexual intercourse, and drugs are more commonplace. You must be mentally prepared before watching.

All five seasons of You're the Worst (2014–19, completed)

The title of the series neatly sums up the main characters of Jimmy and Gretchen: You are the worst. Jimmy is an unsellable author, British, cynical, acerbic, and self-centered; Gretchen is a liar, sloppy, and a little paranoid. In the eyes of others, they are really bad people and destroyers of social order: stealing neighbors' cats, advocating children to steal money, setting fires at schools to avoid exams, trying all-you-can-eat at ice cream parlors without spending , Bringing dinner to the cinema and chatting loudly... They can do all kinds of things with peace of mind. When such two people met, it was like a bastard looking at mung bean, and they hit it off.

They share a set of values that are looked down upon by others, and even their performance in love is a natural pair. If they break up, it will be a disaster for everyone else in the world. Jimmy and Gretchen, who were afraid of intimacy and vowed not to fall in love, completely deviate from the usual imaginary couples in getting along - for example, in S1e6, the two actually "played with others" and started a naive scoring battle. Find someone to go to bed with. The two are full of fishy and tainted daily life, straightforward and generous. Not only do they catch a lot of pornographic conversations, but also dew points and bed scenes are not covered up ("You're the Worst" is really too pornographic, downright Eighteen bans); the "romantic" element in this romantic comedy is very different from the dreamy plots of Korean dramas and Hollywood romantic movies. However, it is in all kinds of strange acts that the candy of the hero and heroine is reflected: in the vast sea of people, only you understand me. We are a perfect match for each other, and even the way we love people is different from them.

Jimmy confesses to Gretchen that he had lied about having brain cancer as a compliment for getting free concert tickets. Hey, we have our own ethics!

Qi Hua and Qi Hua are together, and a group of Qi Hua friends gather around them. Gretchen's best friend Lindsay and nerd's husband Paul wanted to be dissatisfied after their marriage. When they were with Gretchen, they always pushed Gretchen further and further down the road to weirdness. They made trouble. The young couple, who assists a few times from time to time, can also cook and be proficient in housework, which can be said to be the warmest in the whole play. Coupled with Lindsay's sister, brother-in-law, and neighbor child Killian, several people are together, and the golden sentences, jokes, and ridiculous scenes are one after another, which is the biggest highlight of "You're the Worst".

But behind the appearance of madness, every "weird" is actually wounded. The first season started with a bright rhythm, but as the plot developed, the heavy side of the characters was slowly revealed. On the bright side, there are Jimmy and Gretchen's unhealthy relationship with their family of origin, veteran Edgar suffering from PTSD, Gretchen's depression... The unremarkable, and the self-confessed genius but depressed, eager to be recognized, Wanting someone to be around just because "I am me" is a common symptom of modern people who realize that there is always a hole that cannot be filled, and I don't know how to fill it. In addition to drug use and sex, the most common thing men and women do in the play is to escape. But while warming and accompanying each other, the characters eventually have to face their own problems, as well as the flaws of the people around them.

(To be honest, at the beginning of the second season, "You're the Worst" became more and more "painful", and gradually changed from being funny to being realistic, which requires adaptation. If we talk about the cheap and annoying appearance of the protagonists in the first season Features are symptoms that make us laugh at the absurdity of watching, and after the first season the series digs deeper into the pathology behind the symptoms—that’s not something we’d find weird and novel.)

I don't want to spoil too much, so I'll just write it here. In my opinion, "You're the Worst" is tied with the BBC's "Sherlock" as a favorite series. In fact, I watched this drama when I was in high school. The first episode was broadcasted at dinner time for the whole family to watch. How could it be broadcast on a large scale a few minutes after the opening, which was embarrassing to death (can’t blame me, I thought it was a It's a normal romantic series, how do you know it's "wonderful" so far...). After chasing "You're the Worst" from the first season to the end, it took another two years to write this article for it. It's been a long time since I was an adult, so I can finally recommend this show to others. XD


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