
旭日之丘: 方格子專欄:

A Few Questions To Ask About God, I Mean, Ask Yourself First (15)

Many people love to talk about spirituality, and even delusionally think that they will be able to escape from God... But that alone is so funny! There is nothing spiritual about this idea.

Let's talk about some old new stuff today.

When I say new, I refer to some new century religious ideas, such as cosmic energy, high spirits, inner self and other various things. When I say old, it is because these mostly follow the practice of yoga in Hinduism, and just use scientific terminology. , to make it seem to be very powerful, etc., but these are very primitive religious behaviors. In fact, they existed in ancient times. They were just repackaged and matched with some of the words of atheism.

Of course, if you want to say that people feel better after getting close to these "techniques", I have no objection, because meditation is the basic skill of religious activities, and how to implement it is one thing, but "quiet reflection" is not very common at all.

I said that God's revelation is universal, right? There are all kinds of technical things in the whole world, some of which may be given a religious nature and may be regarded as some pagan rituals, but in fact, there is no problem in the bones.

Because the core is what you believe, not what you do.

What is spirituality?

This is a problem today, because we see too many books and courses of this kind, and often combine and mix a lot of old and new things, such as yoga, cosmic energy, crystals, resonance, tarot, meditation, shaman, taize, Or newly invented cards (I admit that some of the designs are very beautiful and make people want to collect them. In fact, I also want to draw this kind of thing, it is very interesting, at least I once designed a set for the story of the way home . card).

In addition, there are stones, incense, essential oils, melody... Anyway, there are a lot of things that are not there, and you can make a lot of money by packaging them into unfathomable and profound art-like productions.

I'm going to break it down first, first of all, if you're thinking about stress relief, relaxation, and a better mood, these definitely help, really, of course, not necessarily for the wallet, but these are very bourgeois things I don't like. I would say they don't make sense, but it's actually too reasonable, you can find the same thing in almost all the ancient religions in the world, it's just that these new things have been mixed and matched in various cultures, and they have been modified for modern aesthetics, Moreover, the threshold for religious membership is omitted, but it is essentially a variety of religious ceremonies.

This is of course attractive to "non-religious" believers, because they can pretend that they are not restricted by religion, or, in other words, they are free to explore cosmic energy, Buddha nature, etc., but pretend they do not believe.

They often say that religion is a man-made limitation, and their free exploration is the natural state.

Of course, these kinds of words have a certain degree of attraction, and it also reflects that human beings are indeed imperfect, so of course organizations are not perfect, so an imperfect religious organization cannot attract you who are obsessed with cleanliness.

A you who is clearly not perfect and has little tolerance.

But is commercial packaging more beautiful? Ha ha.

What we need to distinguish is, what is the purpose of religious rituals? Can you come into direct contact with God just by performing rituals? If you don't think going to church is helpful, is it wiser to imagine that your eyes can see what's in your head?

By the way, scientific research has proved that people are more prone to hallucinations in quieter situations, so what you come into contact with through meditation needs to be discussed. After all, they are imprisoned. Some people realize the truth, and some people go crazy. There are many examples in this history. Therefore, "how to think" is definitely more important than the content of the ceremony,

This is a process of internal dialogue. Of course, it is extremely difficult to conduct empirical research (the ethical part cannot be passed), and we can only judge from various examples.

After all, this is really something in the field of theology, and we can only observe phenomena.

So do these techniques get you in touch with God? I think it is possible, but the problem remains the same, God never refuses us to be close to Him, the question is what explanation you make after contacting it.

And to make matters worse, you might also be exposed to other things, bad things.

Of course, if the concept of the spiritual world is involved, it may be more troublesome and difficult to prove. I don’t want to talk about this for the time being, and in fact, it’s enough for us to just think about the fundamental question, which is the question of what God is. In fact, the root cause of this series of problems has always been this. It's okay to say that there is a cosmic will or something, but you still have to explain what is right and wrong, because I can think of the cosmic will as a name for the Supreme Being, and to me God is the cosmic will itself , so the problem for me is very simple, even if I participate in these so-called relaxation courses, the focus is still on prayer, and it is to spend a little more money to get some comfortable environment, such as fragrance and other props.

But if you don’t have this kind of understanding, what you get is simply emptiness, because in the whole process you may get physical relief from the body, or a kind of relaxation on the cranial nerves, but there is no further help.

This is also the limitation of these new religions or so-called spiritual techniques.

As for fortune-telling and the like, it's even funnier. Of course, standing on the point that God has arrangements for everything, saying that you want to find clues is an interesting idea, or even an interesting attempt, but this is also an idea trapped in causality. It's just that the packaging is more fashionable and looks more powerful.

What's more, this is something that God should not do, because you don't know who you will meet in the end.

If you ask me what is spirituality? I admit that I can't give you a complete answer, because that's the part of us that comes into contact with God, and it may be different for everyone; the point is, what kind of spiritual growth you're after.

Ultimately, the point is to know God, and you must know God well.

Because evil spirits are also spirits.


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