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Personal growth|Read more books, ask more why, and make yourself more comfortable and happy

I didn’t like to read books before, but after reading the book, you will find many answers in the book, such as the meaning of life, how to live a long and happy life, how AI affects our future, which industries are about to be eliminated, and various ways of thinking. , The Law of Attraction, Psychology, etc.

I didn’t like to read books before, but after reading the book, you will find many answers in the book, such as the meaning of life, how to live a long and happy life, how AI affects our future, which industries are about to be eliminated, and various ways of thinking. , The Law of Attraction, Psychology, etc.

relationship between things

Just like Elon Musk said, I agree that the wider the book, the better. It can give you the ability to think of things that many people can't think of, or things that can't be seen. Just like biological knowledge, it can be applied to business. If If you don't know that the two aspects are related, you won't have the chance to find that everyone looks different between the two, but you see that there is something in common between the two that can be linked together. When you see, also This is where opportunity comes. Reading can help you understand more about how society works and help you see connections that many people in the world don't know and don't see.

ask why

In addition, since we exist on this earth, should we know more about our relationship with the earth, like traveling to a place and wanting to know the story of that place. But why do we live on earth and don’t know much about it, you The more you get to know him, the more you will see that this world is not the world you originally thought. There are many things that you think there are no methods. There must be reasons for many things to happen. In fact, the universe is sending a lot of messages to you, but You don't understand it so you can't notice it. Don't think that you are human, you naturally have to work, life is like this, watching dramas, earning money, playing games, sleeping, having a family, everyone is like this, I am like this. Ask why you have to In this way, why do you have a family? Always follow the footsteps of the masses without asking anything. Never ask why, even if you follow the masses, ask yourself why you want to follow the masses or just ignore them. Everything follows the masses. The pace (including opinions, thoughts, and behaviors) has passed my whole life. I would feel a pity to live in this world. I wasted my life in vain. There is not much difference between existence and non-existence. When you have time, think about the meaning behind everything, don’t because I don't have time to think about these excuses. If you want to understand, the whole universe will help you and give you answers. After you understand, it will make your life happier and more comfortable. Reading is a good way. Why am I here? In the world, why does it appear at this point in time, why do I make money, why do I play games, and go back to the time when we were always curious and asked questions when we were children, and you will gradually discover the real earth universe, The real self, the real... Many things make you feel that life is actually very rich. Finally, I will send you the words that you don't remember hearing and agree with. Ignorance is more terrible than invincibility.

When I woke up this morning, I felt very good and immediately wrote it down, po on facebook, many FB friends asked me if I was unhappy -_- Thank you🙏

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