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You are not alone in chasing dramas|"Your Love Song": Look at different personality traits, how to get out of the adversity of life

You are not alone in chasing dramas. Today, Brother Stone will bring you the reading experience of the book and pour it into the plot to see the personality traits of the three characters in the drama "Your Love Song", how they get out of the adversity of life, maybe you, who are falling, can Refer to see.
Image credit: Taken from Netflex Your Love Song

You are not alone in chasing dramas|Your Love Song: Look at different personality traits and how to get out of the adversity of life

Watch a movie, follow a drama, go to the screen, and feel the life of others!


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . I like to put the hard knowledge of books into life cases to practice, you will find that students have bright eyes instantly, and it is easier to turn knowledge into a part of the body. It is like a blunt DOE experimental design. If you use a four-wheel drive vehicle to let students assemble into the competition, and then set it into the orthogonal table, I believe that group cohesion and learning, as well as learning in games, this DOE will inevitably be transplanted into his brain for a long time and not easy to forget. .

In the same way, I also like to integrate the experience of reading books into the plots of movies and dramas, to analyze how each character faces problems and formulate countermeasures. Today, Brother Stone will take you into: In the movie "Your Love Song", take a look at these three characters and three personality traits in the play, see how they face the adversity of life, and help you sort out solutions.

♟ Recommended Movie: Your Love Song (Netflex)
♟ Push pit index: ★★★★★
♟ Theoretical framework comes from the book: "Exploring Personality Potential and Seeing Your Real Self", Brian . Dr. Li Tuo, Commonwealth Magazine

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【Three Causes That Shape Your Personality】

We often discuss whether personality traits are innate genes or acquired? In fact, there are basically three reasons that "shape" your personality traits. (According to the bilingual vocabulary query of the National Institute of Education, it is indeed "Shaping", not "Shaping", and the two have different interpretations)

1. Physiological causes:

The personality that everyone is born with has been shaped from the moment you are born. This is what I often warn parents to do, teach your child to be adaptive, he is not you, don't put your unfulfilled wishes on him: if you are a cherry blossom, you will bloom in the cold winter; if you are Weeds, you can sway freely when you are flying wildly, and be the original self.

2. Social causes:

During your growth stage, family environment, class tutors, social atmosphere..., all kinds of expectations and requirements on you will enhance or suppress your original personality traits. If you are an enthusiastic and outgoing personality, you may be Crown is very reluctant to obey in class, so you have to suppress your personality all the time, or directly rebellious and skip class.

3. Spontaneous causes:

Both innate personality and social causes "seal" a person in a certain channel. If this personality trait is positive for you, it is actually good. If you often touch each other, you actually summon your "inner vision blueprint". , the stronger your craving, the more chance you have to break out of the original bondage and produce the "alter-self effect" (this book, I also recommend reading, it is suitable for matching Lu Di's in the film "The Beginning" personality).

[Put it into the movie and see how others get out of the adversity of life]

"Your Love Song", directed by An Zhujian, starring Ke Jiayan, Fu Mengbo, and Xie Boan, the movie is pleasing to the eye, and the songs in it are also very fresh and pleasant (the two songs of Moonlight and Better , I love them very much), so I don't need me Come to narrate, I cut directly to the topic:
✅Take a look at these three protagonists and three personalities, which one are you?
✅ If it happened to you, how would you handle yourself?
✅What advice will Brother Stone give you?

1. Xing Zhiyuan (played by Fu Mengbo), a wandering teacher:

If you watch the whole movie, you will notice that the wandering teacher Xing Zhiyuan is mentioned in his classmate's wedding banquet. He graduated from Jianzhong University, and all his classmates were admitted to National Taiwan University, but he resolutely gave up National Taiwan University and went to the Normal University to become a teacher. Why exactly?

Because what he thinks is: in order to let more people realize his own wishes.

This fully demonstrates the third cause that shaped his personality: the cause of spontaneity, the blueprint of the vision he longed to achieve.

In that classmate's wedding banquet, he was drunk and was helped home by music teacher Yu Jing (played by Ke Jiayan), his father's accusation against him, and the stack of brain development leaflets he was exhibiting in the room, all signs showed that he was born Personality is enthusiasm and helpfulness; social causes suppress his original personality, forcing him to succumb to the established channels that must be obedient and obedient, so there are many twists and turns, father-son conflicts, workplace conflicts, despite being full of enthusiasm, but still unable to obtain a teacher certificate He has changed many schools in his six-year coaching career. This time, he stayed away from the hustle and bustle of Taipei and came to Zhengyang High School in Hualien. Although he changed to the quiet east, he still did not hide his ambitions, so he persuaded the principal to start his operation of excavating rising stars on campus.

2. Yu Jing (played by Ke Jiayan), a music teacher who cheated on her fiance:

She lost control of her emotions several times during the psychological consultation. From her statement, it can be roughly seen that Yu Jing is a girl who follows the rules and develops her dream music all the way. She likes to arrange things neatly, even saying Have a little bit of cleanliness. In order to let herself say goodbye to this unpleasant relationship, she found out that her teacher Xing Zhiyuan was in the cram school at that time, and then decided to take a month-long vacation and came to Hualien with a suitcase, hoping to meet him .

The personality traits shown by music teacher Yu Jing, I think the natural personality should be optimistic and cheerful, and secretly have a crush on the girl of the cram school teacher, and the social causes are consistent with her original personality, the plot does not reveal any previous conflicts or not, until When it develops to the point of marriage, it seems that she has been destroyed all the way and thought she could be like the prince and princess described in the story, and she has been living a happy life since then.

Of course, I also question whether Yu Jing has always regarded him as Xing Zhiyuan, the teacher who is unrequited love in the cram school, since he fell in love with his fiancé. If so, the constant quarrels in the process of her emotional development are inevitable, too much suspicion and doubts are inevitable, and it is not surprising that she will have an affair with her fiancé.

3. Li Dongshuo (played by Xie Boan) trapped in the sad frame of grandma's death:

I speculate that my parents died in a car accident very early, and I grew up with my grandmother. The plot is that his grandma passed away last year. He has always regarded his grandmother as an existence. I think it is quite normal for a child of this age. It should be normal to be regarded as withdrawn by classmates. After all, it takes a long time to get out of this kind of relative pain. This kind of young bereaved child, the physiological causes of personality traits, should almost be suppressed by social causes and it is difficult to breathe.

[Finding "Breathing Recovery Space" will allow you to break through adversity and start again]

"Breathing Recovery Space" may be a quiet place to be alone for introverts, or it may be a resting area for the soul through listening to music. In other words, Breathable Recovery Space does not necessarily refer to physical space. In the play, she left the noisy and noisy Taipei and came to Hualien, where the blue sea and blue sky are quiet. For Yu Jing, this is her "Breathing Restoration Space".

But for the wandering teacher Xing Zhiyuan, this is not the place he wants to come at all, just because there happens to be a substitute teacher vacancy here, and the slow pace and the completion of the principal have shaped his "Breathing Recovery Space", Let him indulge in his original personality, suitable sociality, and these children who can help him freely express the blueprint in his heart.

To help student Li Dongshuo get out of the pain of his grandmother's death, there should be a teacher Yu's appearance, which allowed him to change his target. In order to please Teacher Yu, he took the teacher to the seaside of the secret base, and he resolutely changed the song temporarily to him in the final. With the songs created by Teacher Yu, it is not difficult to see that Teacher Yu can help him get out of adversity and call out the beast in his heart. I can't use the "Breathing Breathable" mentioned in the book "Exploring Personality Potential and Seeing a More Real Self". "Recovery Space" is included, and it can only be said that it may be an evolved version of "Breathable Recovery Space".

【in conclusion】

Going to the screen and feeling the life course of others is also a kind of learning . The three characters of the movie "Your Love Song" all use "Breathing Recovery Space" to free themselves from their original constraints and frameworks, and have greater motivation to move forward, so as to make their "inner vision blueprint" be achieved. But what about real life? You have to constantly challenge yourself, overcome adversity, and make your personality more diverse and flexible, so that you will have a better chance to make your "inner vision blueprint" shine brightly.


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