
我就像是一隻城市裡平凡的小麻雀 明白自己的喜歡與不喜歡 因為喜歡的東西有好多,所以活著才會如此快樂 因為不喜歡的東西有好多,所以才會珍惜喜歡的東西

Little Sparrow Daily| Roasted Sweet Potatoes

On the way off work on Friday, I was walking on the sidewalk of Taipei University of Technology, walking to the rental house with a jumping pace, thinking about what to have for dinner in my mind, and I was ready for a happy weekend. Suddenly, , I smelled a familiar aroma of charcoal grilling, and the pedestrians in front were slowly approaching the roadside. Originally, I was looking into the distance thinking about dinner, but I immediately looked at the roadside alertly, it was baked sweet potatoes!

A small dining cart with a big round bucket was parked on the sidewalk. The bucket was full of cute sweet potatoes. Some sweet potatoes were already packed in bags and ready to be taken home, while others were covered with cloth to keep warm. Waiting for guests like me to come to the door.

The kind proprietress greeted me warmly: "Do you want to buy a few sweet potatoes? You can choose the size yourself~"

Looking around at the sweet potatoes, every one seems to be asking me to choose him. It's hard to choose. Besides, I really can't pick sweet potatoes. If the sweet potato is too big, I will not be able to finish it. I picked out a delicious sweet potato of moderate size, and then I remembered. I haven't asked how to calculate the price. Will it be too expensive after the scale? I nervously looked at the pointer on the scale and turned with the weight. As long as 30 yuan, cheap and big really thank God.

After receiving the hot sweet potato, I can't wait to rush home to enjoy it while it's still hot.

I opened the soft skin, it was very hot, and there was white smoke, but I saw the fibers of the sweet potato section beckoning to me, how could I not eat it? The sweet potato is so warm and happy. The slightly sweet sweet potato aroma fills my mouth. The soft taste makes me unable to stop one bite after another. I can also eat the wonderful charcoal background. It is a perfect roasted sweet potato.

My weekend happy time is accompanied by sweet potatoes, and this begins.


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