
寫小說/分享好書好電影/喜歡碎碎念 曾出版小說集《無差別愛人》、《陽光最是明媚》、《我和我的......》、《小心愛》、《愛你愛我》、《雙十年華》等

"The Injury I Got": Life is destined to surpass that desolation

Life is a miracle, even the life that has no chance to come to this world.

From pregnancy preparation to pregnancy, from ten-month pregnancy to the healthy birth of the child, many people think that every step is ideal, but in fact, no matter how advanced medical science is, it is difficult to guarantee that every fetus will come into the world healthy. The chance of miscarriage is as high as 30%, which means that three out of ten pregnant women will have to face the pain of losing their fetus. Unless you are a fellow traveler, you will never understand how harmful miscarriage is to expectant parents. I used to have endless longing and hope for my unborn child, imagining a family living a happy life happily, but the child left quietly, all hopes were in vain, and all the wishes I had had turned into holes. , becomes a lifelong regret.

Taiwanese writer Ye Yang has a loving husband, an elf son, her work is on track, she runs a very popular fan page, and she is pregnant with her second daughter. Her life is perfect. However, during the prenatal check-up, she discovered that her 23-week-old daughter had a hole in her heart. While feeling sad, she worked hard to research congenital heart disease and prepared herself mentally for heart surgery as soon as her daughter was born. However, an amniotic fluid test later confirmed that her daughter had a hole in her heart. An error in chromosome 18 causes Edwards' disease. The incidence rate of Edwards' disease is about one in 8,000. It is an untreatable disease. It usually occurs spontaneously in the early stages of pregnancy. For example, 85% of fetuses older than ten weeks will be stillborn before birth. , half of the babies who survive to birth will die within a week, and 90 percent will die within a year. Faced with the sad test results, the author finally followed the doctor's advice and terminated the pregnancy. No one is willing to bear such pain, and there is no possibility of recovering the lives lost.

Most mothers who have gone through the pain of miscarriage are unwilling to talk about the lost little life, but Ye Yang uses words to record the experience before and after losing her daughter, recording her journey from sadness and hardship to getting back on track with her life. "The Injury I Suffered" begins with a clear talk about injuries. The author writes about her experience, her emotions, and the injuries she suffered in an optimistic and indifferent style. It is a little heavy and a little painful, but it does not pull the readers into the whirlpool of pain. Instead, readers can feel a sense of tranquility and healing. Just as she learned from her three-year-old son, even if her daughter leaves, her identity as her daughter's mother will never disappear, and this makes her suddenly enlightened.

Ye Yang's interpretation of the injury is warm and simple, without exaggerated words, but the touching part goes straight to the readers' hearts. Such a candid display of his own wounds is empathetic, especially for mothers who have experienced miscarriage. They will definitely cry. Eyes full. If you are still sad, just cry as much as you want. No matter how many years have passed, the hole in your heart will still bleed every time you think of the unborn child. Don't be afraid of getting hurt, because only by facing the wounds well can you heal yourself.

Even after experiencing the pain of losing a daughter, life still has to go on, and Ye Yang's life did not stop after losing his daughter. "The Injury I Suffered" not only writes about her longing for her daughter, but also writes about her experiences and frustrations in the workplace and writing. She not only has the dream of being a writer, but also a professional woman who has a daughter, a wife and Being a mother is not easy in every position, and precisely because it is not easy, it is even more valuable. Although there are bound to be some injuries in life, he just refuses to give up. There are many difficult moments in life, and every injury has a purpose. This book will not tell you that you will definitely see a rainbow after experiencing hardships in life. On the contrary, it will bluntly say that bad things will happen again and again, but don’t be afraid. Many people are not allowed to be born even though they are loaded with infinite blessings. But you will survive. Living means that your life is allowed, what else can you force?

Finally, I conclude with the epilogue written by Ye Yang for this book, "Although it is a little desolate, life can still go on. Because life is destined to surpass that desolation." Thank you for her bravery in losing her beloved daughter. It is not easy to write down my experiences, and it is not easy to open my own wounds, but using my own wounds to soothe the pain of others has created this touching book.

(Ye Yang later gave birth to his youngest son and established a family of four)

Purchase the e-book: https://moo.im/a/5agOQR

Book title: "The Wounds I Have Suffered"

Author: Ye Yang

Publisher: Chunk Culture

Publication date: 2019/3/29

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