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happiness log

I want to write down happy little things for myself every day

You say, every day is as usual, there is no happiness at all,

But in fact, this day is as usual, and it is already worthy of gratitude.

In a simple life,

Looking back carefully on the bits and pieces of this day,

Maybe you're in good spirits today.

Maybe a delicious meal.

Maybe buy a nice bouquet of roses.

Maybe made a mistake but got the boss's tolerance.

Maybe put the plastic bottles in the recycling bin.

Maybe give your seat to an old man.

Maybe take a beautiful photo.

Maybe plan a travel itinerary.

Maybe someone compliments your big smile.

Maybe see a touching movie.

Maybe hear an old song on the radio that touched you.

Maybe nothing happened and you were just with your family.

And this kind of thing is actually a happy little thing.

After getting used to finding happiness in the little things every day,

you will be more grateful,

After getting used to being grateful,

life will be better,

When life gets better,

You will naturally find more happy little things,

One day I will re-read this happiness journal,

I hope I will recognize how good it is to live,

Do not forget the setbacks,

You are actually happy.

More little things in life: some life


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