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The consciousness of not being able to go home

Photo by iSawRed on Unsplash

when the alarm bell rings

At 7:30 in the morning, the alarm bell rang.

Although I still wanted to stay in the dream, I got up immediately to check.

Open the door to confirm that it's the building's wake-up call.

Although the alarm bells rang, a neighbor did not come out.

I have no intention of leaving home immediately. After all, I just woke up, my hair is fluffy, and my teeth haven't been brushed yet, so it feels a little uncomfortable to leave home.

But if there is an accident, no matter how bad it is, it is more important to survive.

My first thought at the moment was, oops, I bought a ticket to watch a movie today, and I'm going to the water park tomorrow, don't let me die now.

In fact, every time the alarm bell rings, my first thought is will it just die like this?

However, after thinking about it, my body is always in the same place, whether it is in the building where I live, the place where I work or the room in the hotel, I will not escape the first time when the alarm bell rings.

It should be done this way. The original intention of the alarm bell is to tell everyone to escape, but there have been too many cases where the alarm bell has gone off by mistake, so everyone seems to take it easy and calm down terribly, just like the alarm bell sounded this morning, None of the neighbors opened the door to check. Every time the company's alarm bell rang, my colleagues looked at me and waited for the broadcast to announce the situation. No one would escape immediately.

Every time the alarm bell rings, my heart goes back and forth, and I am not calm at all, but the little theater in my heart does not reflect it. I always stay where I am calmly, waiting, usually until the alarm bell goes off by mistake. Or wait until the alarm bells stop.

But what if the wait is thick smoke? Of course, let's run away immediately. Fortunately, I have never encountered such a situation, but it can only be said to be pure luck.

Of course, since you read these words, you know that I am safe and sound.

This time, I called the management office, but I couldn't get through at first. I called after brushing my teeth. The management office said it was fine. My colleague was checking. After another minute, the alarm bell stopped, and the holiday came early unexpectedly.

Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

dream publisher

I was still in a dream. In my dream, I was changing the name of the publishing house I opened. At that time, I thought of three names. When I woke up, I only remembered two. One of them was "Happy Kingdom". If I changed the publishing house to this Is the name too old-fashioned?

I would dream of opening a publishing house, probably because a friend recently opened a publishing house to publish e-books on their own. In fact, I also had plans to self-publish an e-book earlier, but I have never been able to execute it very well, and I will continue to procrastinate.

Publishing e-books is not difficult, and there are self-published platforms now, but how to sell e-books is the key.

All I can say is that pushing books is hard.

Maybe I've been procrastinating just because I don't want to see myself fail.

This subconscious mind of failure will probably really bring failure to myself, so I should think in a better direction, and let the subconscious mind decide that I will definitely succeed, and the book will definitely sell well.

According to the book "The Enchantment of Attraction for Good Things", the law of attraction is not simply what you want to do. Although you say your willingness, if the subconscious mind hesitates about it, the final result will be in the direction of the subconscious mind.

How to improve self-confidence to subconsciously believe that you will succeed? I recommend everyone to take a look at "The Attractive Enchantment of Good Deeds" , I am trying hard.

Photo by Ankhesenamun on Unsplash

The consciousness of not being able to go home

When the alarm bell rings at home, worrying about not being able to leave home, all plans come to nothing.

However, after leaving home every day, it is still unknown whether it will be possible to return home safely.

Of course, it's a matter of course to go home every night, but what if there is an accident outside? All accidents are unpredictable, and people are caught off guard, so if you want to go deeper, being able to go home is not necessarily a matter of course, but a very lucky thing.

So every day, I will make the awareness that I can't go home. If I leave like this, will I have any regrets?

Not being able to watch a movie or go to a water park is, of course, a small regret. There are always many unfinished things in life, or things that make people feel guilty.

The best course is to leave without regrets, so try to take the time to do what you want to do, meet the people you want to meet, and don’t wait until you don’t have the chance to shout regrets.

In case I leave like this, although there are still some people who can't let go, there is nothing that I regret. The regrets I have had over the years have been slowly transformed into energy for growth.

That's it, wrote a bunch, and then I'm ready to go to the movies.

More life insights: some life


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