
在臺北努力生存的馬來西亞人 🇲🇾✈️🇹🇼 Instagram: jingshi924 熱愛生活, 閱讀, 文字, 喜歡的樂團是五月天, 喜歡春天和秋天, 不聰明但很努力生活的社會新鮮人。 #願你的善良能被這世界善待#

goodbye 2020

2020 is coming to an end, and a year that has not been easy for everyone is coming to an end. However, on the last day of 2020, the cold snap arrived. After studying in Taiwan for three years (almost four years), I encountered the coldest day. The temperature displayed on the phone is only 9 degrees, and the later, the colder it gets.

In this year, we have lost too much, but we have also learned to grasp what we have and cherish the moment. Especially for relatives, friends, lovers, etc. around you. We are grateful to those who have helped us.

Looking back on my days in 2020, nothing major happened. The health of your family and friends is the most important thing. I can successfully come to Taiwan to study and complete my studies, I am very grateful. Because I know that my friends in Malaysia can't even hold the graduation ceremony because the epidemic is still spreading.

It is hoped that in 2021, the epidemic will end soon and the world will return to what it should have been.

"We have to take good care of ourselves until regrets can't disturb" - Mayday "Good"


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