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347. People who say dreams can’t be eaten may be eating too much (desire)

Dreams can't be eaten, but if your dreams come true, I believe you have a good chance of wealth freedom, because this is what you are willing to do from the bottom of your heart, and what drives you is an endless stream of enthusiasm, let your inner force help Keep going! If you don't know your dreams yet, don't panic

Dreams can't be eaten, but if your dreams come true, I believe you have a good chance of wealth freedom, because this is what you are willing to do from the bottom of your heart, and what drives you is an endless stream of enthusiasm, let your inner force help You keep going!

If you don't know your dreams yet, don't panic

Sometimes it takes a long time to do a job, and you don't have to worry about finding your mission in life

But as I said yesterday, are you seriously experiencing life?

If not, then you are not pursuing your dreams, so what are you doing?

Going back to the dream thing, do most people think that we cannot seek self-interest (self-direction) while remaining motivated to help people (other-direction)?

It's simple, make the pie max together

When you only care about your own interests (purposes), it is easy to fall into the trap of self-interest

Most people only care about their future and only mention their dreams

If this dream is related to helping people, it's fine. If not, your pattern is indeed a little smaller.

That's not bad, it's just that the latter makes you feel more purposeful throughout the process, and there's a downside to living selfishly:

You are easily lost because you are just a profit-oriented person

Going beyond self-direction needs to be cultivated. If you encounter setbacks in the process, you are likely to think about whether you are lacking in ability.

If you get caught up in this thought, you will stop, so you will start to want to give up, and this is a very important turning point

Ask yourself:

Is your original intention to benefit (compliment) or to give (give back)

If it's the former, you don't really want to help others. If it's the latter, you will continue to insist on it unconsciously.

'Cause you know it's all worth it

How to cultivate purpose?

Start by thinking about how what you are already doing can contribute positively to society

It's not difficult to change the world, start with doing your job well

You are a small cog, you just need to dedicate yourself, start small, change your attitude towards work, and make your work move towards career and mission

If you always think of yourself as a social animal, you will always be a social animal

Thinking about it another way, wouldn't you be happier when you're passionate about your work?

In the process, you will slowly what you want

Then you can find a role model with a clear purpose and find inspiration from him, so that when you are lost, you will know where the direction is, and over time, you will find your life mission

#persistence#good medicine is bitter#soul sharp turn#dream


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