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337. Effort is tiring, so we make excuses for our failures

If you can succeed, who likes to fail, you have misunderstood that more people would rather choose to stay in the comfort zone than try. People only want to have fun (ease), but too much comfort will make you tend to be mediocre. That's it: we'd rather be mediocre and blame bad genes for failure because it's more reassuring that if you know you can do it if you just work hard, you're bound to regret it

If you can succeed, who likes to fail, you are misunderstood

More people would rather choose to stay in their comfort zone than try

People just want to have fun (easy), but too much can make you mediocre

The result of this is:

We'd rather be mediocre and blame bad genes for our failures because it's more comfortable

If you know you can do it if you work hard, you're bound to regret it

This is why people often have a sour grape mentality to envy other people's success, but they still continue to swipe their phones when they turn around.

We say one thing, but our heart drives us to do another, and we allow ourselves to fail

McKinsey & Company defines talent as the following words:

Talent is the sum of a person's abilities, including talent. Attitude and drive

Talent is important, yes, but attitude determines success

When they can't face hesitation, they can't face failure, so they just keep cheating because everyone thinks they're top notch, this narcissistic pretentious culture creates failure

This culture does not focus on long-term business, only on performance and numbers

Since I'm smart enough, why don't I fake fancy numbers, so the financial tsunami will be so tragic

It's good to have talent, it's just that we forget that hard work is the key

Talent shines so brightly that we forget the importance of hard work and passion

When we see other people's success, the anxiety will overwhelm us , and let's not forget the gossip on the side, which will make you want to give up in the process.


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賺錢也賺幸福的精髓是在於找到生活的平衡,讓時間發揮複利的效果,過程肯定枯燥無味,就讓我們一起來圍爐吧~ 你可以在這邊得到: 1.全球化變動型資產配置(非傳統股債配置,融合因子投資及加密貨幣的新組合) 2.人生如何短捨離 3.以藥師的角度講述預防醫學

