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310. You can stop being a social animal, change starts from your heart

Everything a person has can be deprived, but the last freedom of human nature, that is, the freedom to choose a way of life under any circumstance cannot be deprived. No matter how difficult it is, life will naturally find a way out. If you can't find it, problems may also occur. It's out of itself.

Everything a person has can be deprived, but the last freedom of human nature, that is, the freedom to choose a way of life under any circumstances cannot be deprived

No matter how hard you are, life will naturally find a way out. If you can't find it, the problem may also be your own.

A person's mind is the sum of all the knowledge and experience you have acquired in the past, so don't underestimate everything you have experienced in your life journey. Looking back at the current adversity, it may be able to achieve your future.

Everyone is so different because you can never have the same life path as everyone else.

If you think you're a social animal, maybe you just haven't figured it out yet

You have the right to choose, stop letting our brains be manipulated by the algorithms of people with intentions

Most people's minds have not been opened, because once opened, you will know that many things can be changed (learned)

Take learning as an example, many times you learn without knowing why, but as long as you learn in the right way, I believe you will understand it later

If you think reading is useless because you haven't found the direction of reading (life), it's never too late to re-learn.

When you recognize it, the change begins.


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