
7秒記憶的金魚太太 - 「無飯」人妻 - 老公愛烹飪 - 倆口出走香港、移居台灣

Daily life- Day 257

Every word is in Chinese, but I just can't understand it

One of the important reasons why Hong Kong people like to move to Taiwan is that their living environment is mainly Chinese, which makes it easier to adapt to. But after living in Baodao for more than a year, I found that I still have a lot of room for improvement in language communication! Recently, I inquired about the application progress of some cases, and the reply was "under discussion".

What does "conference" mean? Meeting to discuss? Talk to discuss? Or is "consultation" a noun, referring to progress to a certain stage? Ask other Hong Kong people, and they don't understand, and they have the same feeling that "every word is in Chinese, but I just can't understand it".


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