

Why are there more and more white hairs? You think you are stressed or old, but there are other reasons

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Ms. Zhang is a 31-year-old professional woman who is about to be promoted to director recently. In order to be competent for this job, she stays up late almost every night.

A few days ago, Ms. Zhang suddenly discovered that she had a few white hairs when she was taking a shower, which made her very scared, because she was only 31 years old, why did she have white hair, is she very old now? So immediately went to the hospital for examination and treatment.

After the treatment, the doctor explained that it is because Ms. Zhang has been under too much stress recently, which has a certain impact on the ability of the hair follicles in the hair to produce melanin, so this situation occurs. So why does hair turn white? What factors can make hair gray?

Why does hair turn white

The reason why our hair is black is determined by the melanin secreted by the hair follicles in the hair, and the hair turns white because the hair follicles no longer secrete melanin, so what are the reasons why the hair follicles no longer secrete melanin, thus What causes our hair to turn gray?

What factors can make hair gray?

The first factor is aging.

As we age, a substance in our body called tyrosinase becomes inactive, meaning it no longer works. And once tyrosinase stops working, the hair follicles in our body have no way to secrete melanin, because the reason why the hair follicles can secrete melanin is because the melanocytes in the body react with tyrosinase.

This is why our hair turns grey as we age.

The second factor is genetics.

If someone in our family history suffers from diseases such as leukemia or premature aging, it will cause their descendants to also have gray hair.

The third factor is chronic diseases such as vitiligo, tuberculosis, typhoid, and endocrine diseases such as the pituitary gland, which can easily lead to malnutrition in the body.

The hair follicles in our body need the participation of some nutrients in the process of secreting melanin. If these substances are missing, it will affect the formation of melanin, which will also cause the hair to turn white.

The fourth factor is chronically poor mental state.

In fact, the emotions we carry every day have a certain impact on the ability of our body's organs to secrete hormones. When we are in a happy and relaxed state, the efficiency of our body's organs to secrete hormones will increase.

When we are in a depressed mood for a long time, such as being in a state of high pressure and depression for a long time, the efficiency of our body's secretion of hormones will slow down, and it may also lead to hormone imbalance.

Therefore, when we are in a bad mental state for a long time, it will also cause the hair to turn gray, because this state will also affect the formation of melanin.

Although there are many factors that induce hair graying, from congenital heredity to natural aging, from long-term poor mental state to chronic diseases or endocrine diseases in the body, in fact, other than these factors, when you find yourself When your hair is getting grayer, that's not a sign that you're old, it could be a reminder that you're missing two nutrients in your body.

Type 1: Vitamin B family

There are many types of B vitamins, 12 of which are necessary for our human body. They are all water-soluble substances, which are easily absorbed and excreted by the body. Generally speaking, they can only stay in the body. Several hours, so we have to replenish daily.

Vitamin B family also plays an important role in the process of breaking down protein, sugar and fat. Sugar, protein and fat are the source of energy for our body. Once the energy supply is insufficient in the body, it is easy to cause some discomfort in the body. Symptoms, such as anemia, decreased immunity, etc., so when our body lacks vitamin B family, anemia and decreased immunity may occur.

In addition, B vitamins are also a coenzyme, which is a catalyst in chemical reactions. In fact, there are no glands that uniformly produce melanin in our body. The only organ that can produce melanin is the hair follicle in each of our hairs. To produce melanin, the hair follicle requires the participation of melanocytes and tyrosinase. To react with tyrosinase, a catalyst, a coenzyme, is needed to catalyze their reaction.

Therefore, when our body lacks vitamin B, it will lead to a lack of coenzymes, and a lack of coenzymes will make it difficult for melanocytes and tyrosinase to react, and it is difficult to produce melanin, so the hair turns white.

Type 2: Copper

Copper is a water-insoluble heavy metal substance. Although the content in the body is very small, it is a very important trace element in the body.

After copper enters the body, it will be converted into metalloproteins and become catalysts for most chemical reactions in the body. Without this trace element, many chemical reactions in our body will be difficult to carry out, which will affect the production of many substances. Discomfort symptoms such as anemia and vision loss may also occur.

So why does the lack of copper in the body cause the hair to turn white?

In fact, the reason why the lack of copper causes hair to turn white is very simple, because melanin is produced by the reaction between melanocytes and tyrosinase. If the activity of tyrosinase decreases, it is not easy to react with melanocytes. Then the amount of melanin produced will also decrease.

When the body is in a state of copper deficiency for a long time, the activity of tyrosinase will decrease, so when the body lacks copper, the hair will turn white.

There are many factors that affect the graying of hair, some of which are a normal physiological state due to the aging of the body, while others are caused by the lack of certain substances, poor mood, diseases and other factors, then when we suddenly find ourselves appearing What should I do when I have white hair?

What should I do if my hair turns white?

When we suddenly find that our hair is graying, the first thing we need to do is go to the hospital to determine what causes the graying of the hair, and then prescribe the right medicine.

1) Genetics

If you detect that your gray hair is caused by genetics, it will be difficult to improve the situation. Because our own genes carry this factor, it is difficult to change the innate factors through acquired methods, so in general, when we are genetically caused by gray hair. , no special treatment will be given.

2) Bad mood

If it is detected that it is because of a long-term bad mood, such as long-term high pressure, depression, depression, anxiety and other environments, white hair appears. Treatment for this condition is based on relaxation therapy, supplemented by drug therapy.

If it is a mildly depressed person, it is mainly treated in relaxing ways such as playing games, going on a trip, taking a walk, and chatting with people with a sunny attitude.

However, if the situation is more serious, such as people with moderate or severe depression, the treatment for this situation is mainly to change the lifestyle and combine reasonable drugs for treatment.

In terms of lifestyle, you need to chat more with people, not stay up late, not be in a mourning culture for a long time, and go out more often instead of staying at home. What medicines should be taken for treatment at this stage.

3) Disease

If it is detected that the hair turns white because of chronic diseases such as vitiligo, tuberculosis, typhoid, and endocrine diseases such as the pituitary gland, you must remember to follow the doctor's advice at this time. Because it is this inducement that causes the hair to turn white, in most cases, the body has been trapped in one or more causes for a long time, leading to malnutrition in the body.

Therefore, it is because of the disease that the hair turns gray. Usually, during the treatment process, remember to eat more nutritious and digestible foods. Once the body's nutrition keeps up, the symptoms of gray hair will naturally disappear. Therefore, the most important thing for this cause is to cure the disease, because gray hair is only a complication and does not require special treatment.

4) Lack of two nutrients, B vitamins and copper

If it is detected that the hair turns white due to the lack of two nutrients, B vitamins and copper, the treatment for this condition is relatively simple, that is, eat more foods that are rich in B vitamins or copper, such as Oatmeal, animal liver, fish, eggs, broccoli and other foods.

Nowadays, everyone's life is very fast-paced. Issues such as mortgages, car loans, dowry gifts, childcare and other issues have put a lot of pressure on everyone. In order to make more money, everyone has to pay attention to themselves in terms of eating and resting. There is a certain disadvantage.

In terms of eating, most people eat food that is not very nutritious and healthy. In terms of rest, many people have severe sleep deprivation. Such behavior is extremely unhealthy, and can easily lead to some bad phenomena in the body, which will endanger the health of the body, such as endocrine disorders, graying of hair, etc.

For example, Ms. Zhang has been under tremendous pressure every day for promotion recently, and finally had gray hair. Therefore, in order to keep our body healthy, in our daily life, we should also pay attention to regulating our emotions, relax our body, and treat ourselves better in terms of diet, which is more conducive to physical and mental health.

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