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Taiwanese Corporate Marketing - Salmon, Asia Pacific, Abalone Chaos?

Since yesterday, a hot topic among Taiwanese people, due to the promotion of preferential activities by Taiwanese companies, the social phenomenon of "salmon, Asia Pacific, and abalone chaos" has been triggered. Some citizens went to change their names to get free discounts. For discounts, everyone can How much? Is it a huge discount, or is the social climate or people's values already changing? ? ?

Although I have never traveled to Taiwan, I have always paid attention to Taiwan's culture and communicated with some Taiwanese netizens.

I saw some news from Taiwan on the Internet this morning, which has been a hot topic in the past two days.

It happened yesterday that the Japanese-style sushi restaurant "Sushiro" in Taiwan launched a special promotion. Because the name contains the word "salmon", you can enjoy free discounts, and some people went to change the name to "salmon", and other companies also saw business opportunities. , I hope to catch up with this trend and launch similar promotions.

"Sushiro" launched a special promotion, as long as the name contains the word "salmon", guests can enjoy free discounts.

"Asia Pacific Telecom" has launched similar activities one after another, as long as the name has the same pronunciation and the same word as "Asia Pacific", you can get a NOKIA mobile phone for free.

"SWAG" keeps up with the trend and launches similar activities. As long as the word "abalone" is in the name, you can enjoy free swimming in the live broadcast room for 7 days.

The marketing activities of these companies have caused some citizens to change their names to "Salmon", "Asia Pacific" and "Abalone" because of the discounts, and some people's new names contain all of these names.

From the perspective of a company, to be successful in marketing, it is necessary to increase brand awareness and product promotion, so that more people can know your company. "Salmon" and "abalone" can be sold by everyone. This kind of activity is a trigger for A short-term topic, or what kind of benefits it can bring to enterprises, is temporarily unknown.

From the perspective of consumers, of course everyone wants to enjoy discounts, but if you change your name for the sake of discounts, you really have to think twice. In our Chinese culture and naming studies, how important is the name, it is related to us. Fate, destiny, life, etc. are closely related. There is a saying: "People are afraid of changing their name, men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man."

I'm not familiar with Taiwan, and I don't dare to say any good opinions or comments. I hope to bring a point of view to discuss with you. If you think this matter is more important than yourself, you will lose yourself because of it. Conversely, if you think that you are more important than the thing, you can stay awake and not go with the flow.

There are causes and effects in the world, and there is supply when there is demand. The social atmosphere has been constantly changing. What is the reason? Everything that happens around our daily life can bring us thinking from different angles, and it is worth discussing and exploring topics together!

related news:

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