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The difference between Hong Kong and Taiwan in the Wang Xi incident

Unless the original reason is overwhelmingly wrong, a complaint like this against front-line medical care will definitely be whipped, especially in areas related to epidemic prevention. //This cognition gap is the difference between follow-up action and expectation: the doctor who thought it was a normal process, turned around and handed over the examination; Wang Xi, who thought it was an accident, immediately subjectively determined that the doctor was a "hit-and-run". , of course this was incorrect, but he had no way of knowing it at the time. //This matter is really almost all within the scope of "cultural/institutional differences". In Hong Kong's parlance, it is "a misunderstanding", as Zhuang Renxiang said.

(The cover image is taken from the exclusive media report )

I believe that friends from both places have heard about the incident caused by Wang Xi's entry into Taiwan recently. After discussing with different friends in detail, I found that it was largely caused by misunderstandings and differences in cultural systems. Here I first press the judgment of right and wrong, and want to mention the difference between the two places involved in the matter that may lead to understanding of the matter. Add another "helmet", understanding the reason for the action is not the same as approving the action, thank you.

First of all, and possibly the most important thing, Taiwan has a lot of love for medical care, especially for front-line medical care: Taiwan's medical care is at the forefront of the world (depending on the subjects and methods of investigation), and to a large extent it is spelled out with the blood and sweat of medical care. For medical care in Taiwan People generally treat him with understanding, respect, and love, especially during the epidemic. Here is an example , which is far more than Hong Kong. Therefore, if you accuse front-line medical staff, unless the reason is overwhelmingly wrong, a complaint against front-line medical staff like this will definitely be whipped, especially in areas related to epidemic prevention.

Figure 1: Nasopharyngeal swab collection
Figure 2: Nasal throat swab

Then there is the core part, the sample collection part. Although they are all PCR tests, the method of specimen collection in Taiwan is different from that in most places. Taiwan mainly uses nasopharyngeal swabs for testing (see the picture on the left). This method is the most standard method in the medical field. It is high, but it is easy to break the capillaries. It requires professional medical care and a full set of protection. In the early stage of the epidemic, all countries in the world used this method, but this test alone is enough to overwhelm the energy of medical care, plus there have been accidents that pierce brain fluid , countries have no longer used nasopharyngeal swabs as the main test, and more use of deep throat saliva, throat swabs, or nasal and throat swabs (see the picture on the right), this method can be collected by ordinary people after simple training, and The risk is low (regardless of the sampler or the sampler), but the sampling quality is low, and false negatives are more likely to occur when the operation is not performed properly.

It is amazing that Taiwan can still insist on using high-quality nasopharyngeal sampling, although there is some debate in Taiwan whether it is a good way to compress the energy of medical care . As for Hong Kong, deep throat saliva was used very early, and later with the epidemic and variants, the nasal cavity and throat were added.

Why do you need to explain the customary test methods of the two places? This affects the understanding of "nosebleeds": Taiwanese who are used to nasopharyngeal swabs will feel that nosebleeds are very common; those who are used to deep throat saliva / nose and throat of Hong Kongers would think nosebleeds are a problem. According to some doctors and nurses, the rate of nasopharyngeal swabs “detecting nosebleeds” (including some bloodshots) ranges from one or two in ten to half in ten. Anyway, the rate is not low; and According to a friend who works at a testing station in Hong Kong, thousands of people do not necessarily have a nosebleed in one day.

This cognitive gap is the difference between follow-up actions and expectations: the doctor who thought it was a normal process turned around and handed over the examination; Wang Xi, who thought it was an accident, immediately subjectively determined that the doctor was a "hit and run", however, This determination was not correct, but he had no way of knowing it at the time, so he insisted on knowing the identity of the other party, and he placed more emphasis on preserving evidence than on treatment, and he did not know how serious he was "wanted" later. Note that I reiterate that I do not intend to defend its naive behavior nor to judge right or wrong here, but to point out the differences between the two places and the resulting gap in cognitive expectations.

Regarding Wang Xi's follow-up actions, some are too naive to talk about, but there is a difference in concept worth mentioning, that is, he insisted on asking for the names of the parties. In Hong Kong, a complaint against the public sector must be established. The main premise is to know the name or serial number of the party concerned (in addition, the complainant must also be named), otherwise, no accountability can be pursued, which is basically no different from "submission of opinions". To a large extent, this is used as a means of evasion, but even private companies often do this, creating the habit of "registering complaints first". On the other hand, for Taiwan, it is another matter to investigate the name of the person involved. Rather than the need for a complaint, the first thing that comes to mind intuitively is the public trial and human flesh (human flesh search, that is, "the bottom line" in Hong Kong). Taiwan The human flesh trial is stronger than that of Hong Kong. For details, see"Anonymous Game" and "BBS Villagers' Justice" . Regarding the need for names, the two places recalled that during the anti-extradition period, the black policemen hid their numbers when they were "performing their missions", so that no police officer has ever been held responsible for abuse of power; Tragedy to the death.

Then there is a less important but rather special comparison. Regarding the issue of "toilet paper" (rolled toilet paper), rolled toilet paper is called "toilet paper" in Hong Kong. Yes, most of the toilet paper sold in Hong Kong in the early years was not treated with bacteria, and many people would not use it for purposes other than wiping their buttocks. In use, "paper towels" such as Tempo are considered to be used for wiping, especially related to wounds, let alone in medical places. In Taiwan, even rolled toilet paper has been sterilized by high temperature, so it is not a problem to use it to wipe nosebleeds. Therefore, Wang Xi's refusal to use toilet paper/rolled toilet paper to stop bleeding is interpreted as "intentional trouble".

In the end, I have to go back to Wang Xi himself. For Taiwanese friends, Wang Xi is a "who?" existence. Most of the reports are just about "Hong Kong Star", and the impression of "Hong Kong Star" in Taiwan is...only Can it be said that it is hard to say, or it is easy to think of Chen Xiaochun and others? In fact, on the contrary, let’s not talk about Huang An’s certification of Hong Kong independence ( laughs ), Wang Xi is one of the few artists in Hong Kong who are willing to publicly support the anti- extradition campaign . He was arrested, so Wang Xicai had to leave his hometown, and to put it bluntly, it was "difficult to go."

Wang Xi, whose stage name comes from Huangqi, that is, "Royal Hong Kong Police", has been a police officer for several years, and also served as a PTU (the most elite unit of the Royal Police). He signed a non-disclosure agreement and signed a non-disclosure agreement. When it comes to saving people in the fire, there is nothing about his deeds in the police force, but there must be something to do if you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement before you leave. Before the handover of the Hong Kong regime, he had been in the shadows, and most of them played in disciplined forces such as the police. The perfect policeman has won the hearts of the people. During the anti-extradition campaign, he not only participated, but also saved people many times. In the face of the police brutality, Zeng also pointed out how the black police violated the police code. He was almost the only former police officer who dared to publicly rebuke the police. The section of "Headline News" satirizes the police being complained . If you know Zeng Zhihao , yes, it is the same program.

This person is playful, often appears naive and acts impulsive, but on the other hand, his sense of justice is even too strong. In this case, he has completely entered the mode of accountability, and even Du Wenze can't persuade him . But to the people of Hong Kong, he is definitely not the kind of "communist licking artist". He even felt indignant at the accusations of some Chinese nationals and Communist spies, so he fought back. It does not mean that Hong Kong people feel that he did nothing. wrong.

Finally, I don't want to keep mentioning the fact that there have been forces that have been in contact with Hong Kong and Taiwan since 19 years, but I hope that the two sides will not attack with map cannons when commenting on the incident. This matter is really almost all from the scope of "cultural/institutional differences". In Hong Kong's parlance, it is "a misunderstanding", as Zhuang Renxiang said . This is really not a big event. I hope it will end here and not raise it to the level of conflict between the two places.

(Because Matters can't significantly modify the article, so I re-publish an article , please move to it a little bit)


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