
我是cc 是個讀理科的大學生 因為覺得投資很複雜 就用我的話搞懂財務邏輯~ 也會告訴大家我的學習方法 不會在茫茫資料中找得很辛苦QQ 越學會越發現股票很有趣哦~ 偶爾會有心情隨筆!

Financial tips for beginners

What is the first step to making big money? Accounting? save money? buy stocks? wrong wrong wrong! The answer is: what does it mean to build the mindset of the rich first? If you want to be rich, you must first have a rich head! Let's see how to do it!

1. Have big dreams

The bigger the wish, the more money will come in! Remember, don't think you can't do it, when you think so, you really can't.


2. Active efforts to create a source of money

First of all, just having a dream is not enough. How to create a source of money, there are actually many ways, such as: work, investment (stocks, funds, real estate, etc.)

In the next post I will share my method.


3. More contact with rich people

The so-called "closer to ink is black, close to vermilion is red", there is still a reason for it!

Why do we always get along with people who are similar to us? Because: comfortable.

The poor feel very uncomfortable with rich people, have no sense of belonging, and think that it is the rich who make them so poor!

Since when you want to become rich, you must change your mentality, believe that you are the same group of people as the rich, and believe that you are a great person.


The above three mental methods, in fact, can also replace "rich people" with other things, and then re-read the article and think again, I hope everyone can achieve success in various fields!


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