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Tomoko Ghana's "The Sad Future I Foretell": It seems flat, but it is always hidden and rugged

"The Sad Future I Foretell", provided by Caishi Culture.

"The Sad Future I Foretell" is a new book by Japanese reasoning writer, Tomoko Kana. Her "Seven Children" won the 3rd Tetsuya Ayukawa Award in Japan, and "Glass Giraffe" won the 48th Japan Reasoning Writers Association Award . In addition, in Taiwan, "Magic Flight" has won the favor of many readers.

Although her novels are called mystery novels, there are no thrilling murder cases in them, and there are no twists and turns to solve the case. The protagonist is not a brilliant detective, but an ordinary person, even a primary school student. It is called a mystery novel because the novel describes the "puzzles" that ordinary people may encounter in their daily life. These puzzles are not the magical cases in ordinary mystery novels, but the daily events developed by various trivial things in life. .

 When did we stop asking questions? When did you get used to swallowing the explanations others gave? Puzzles appear around us anytime, anywhere. Our daily life is full of simple but important puzzles, if not as esoteric as the Sphinx's... - "Seven Children"

Mystery novels describing everyday events were later called "everyday reasoning". At the beginning, it was a Japanese writer Kaoru Kitamura, who had a deep influence on Tomoko Ghana, and announced a new concept and new theme in his work "Pegasus in the Sky".

"The Sad Future I Foretell" actually doesn't look like a mystery novel, or even "everyday reasoning" novels like "Seven Children" and "Magic Flight". It is a simple, fantastic, a little nervous, and finally warm and happy story. When reading this book, the author often thinks of another suspenseful and fantasy anime "Only the City Where I Don't Exist".

"The Sad Future I Foretell" is very similar to "The City Where Only I Don't Exist" in that the protagonists in it somehow have the ability to predict the future. The difference is that in "The City Where Only I Don't Exist", the male protagonist is not only predictable, but also can go back to the past to solve the incident. But the heroine of "The Sad Future I Foretell" can't go back to the past, and can only reverse the accident that happened before it happened. If you miss the opportunity, you can only accept the foreseen future to come true.

The protagonists of both works are faced with a similar dilemma. In order to prevent the future they fear from coming true, they become constantly worrying about other people's affairs, and it is difficult to focus on their own lives. Although the future is changed by himself, no one around will know that it is because of him. Although I have been involved in many events, in the end, it seems that the whole world "only I don't exist". Because no one can empathize with their own troubles.

But "The Sad Future I Foretell" is different in that Garner arranges two protagonists to carry out a two-line narrative. The whole book is divided into two chapters. The first chapter is "Flat", which tells the story of himself and the heroine Tetsuko from the perspective of the hero Ahu who has no ability to foresee; The capable heroine Tetsuko tells the story of the two.

The two chapters form a playful contrast in the book. In the first chapter, through Ahu, who has no ability to predict, the story between the two develops all the way under the simple words. Just like the title "Flat", the plot goes smoothly into this story, and there seems to be nothing worth noting in this story, but it is just writing about the hero and heroine's ordinary childhood past.

But in the next chapter "Rugged", through the heroine's eloquence, we found that in the first chapter, many ordinary and neglected events and plots in the eyes of the hero are completely different in the eyes of the heroine. It means that there are completely different possibilities and futures, and readers can only understand the meaning of certain plots in the book.

The actions of people in life are not as simple to understand as the male protagonist thinks. It's only because some future doesn't happen that we feel that "everyday" is commonplace. But what is named "everyday" is actually full of many extraordinary thoughts underneath.

Time and life seem to go on "smoothly", but once people can predict the future, the original landscape will become a rugged landscape, creating the possibility of multiple lines. Just like the human heart, it seems flat, but it is always hidden and rugged.

The book's reflection on foresight is actually asking readers: Do people sometimes let themselves go too "rugged"? Thinking too much puts a lot of pressure on yourself. Just like the anime "The City Where Only I Don't Exist", the protagonist in "The Sad Future I Foretell" will also find that in order to solve a huge and irreversible future, the only way is to open up his overly introverted and closed personality, and to open up his own personality. Only when others whom I dare not touch can mingle and unite together, the originally rough future can be turned into a flat appearance, allowing people to move forward together.

(This article is an invitation to cooperate with Caishi Culture 's new book, welcome to share.)

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This article was simultaneously published on the square grid blog: Literature Lab

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