
akarishana.me akari24.j@gmail.com *熱愛行政工作的文組命理師。 #育兒 #數位工具 #命理 #療癒 #鬱期寫字

When shorthand/not writing,

2020-06-21 Live screenshot of the annular solar eclipse

When I'm not writing, my mind is full of writing.

I've been very interested in TRPG recently, plunged into research, and was disappointed. The reason for the disappointment is not because I don't think it is fun, but because I have been pursuing "the way to write a story".

When I was very young, I had many fantasy friends and many worldview settings in my mind; when I grew up, I found too many unreasonable places, and it could not be regarded as a story, just a child's illogical imagination.

I have been thinking, how can I write the story of that world.

TRPGs are fun, play characters, run scripts together, and really put yourself in that story. But that's someone else's story, someone else's idea, someone else's world. How am I going to write the stories that I want to write?

In fact, it seems that it is enough to just start writing, but I feel that what I write is rubbish. There is no logic, conflicting sentences and even plot conflicts. "Why is it like this?" is a question that I can't answer in my writing.

So still can't write, still can't write.

So, when you don't write, the more you don't write, the more you want to write.


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