
「孤伶伶地在外太空漂流」 台灣本地的文章寫作,在地の不專業相片攝影 不定時創作文字以及影像 medium: @Suputoniku

Thank you, Danny Sand

Danny-sang seems to have lived a rare life and embarked on a path that seems to be the right one. Danny-sang thought about it, because of his wife and father's relationship, his life has been quite smooth all the time, his career can be regarded as a success, and his family situation is not It's bad, it can be said to be a consummation that others admire, so why does it always feel wrong to sit on the balcony and smoke a cigarette?

Danny-sang walked to the balcony, picked up a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and started smoking. Danny-sang looked up, the moon was a little unhappy at this time, shrouded in dark clouds, and only a faint moonlight could be seen in the corners. . Danny Sang looked down and saw a group of teenagers smoking electronic cigarettes in the arcade. Several people were talking and laughing, drinking a few bottles of beer, and sitting on their motorcycle. One of them vomited, and the others helped them up. A brother who vomited constantly, unexpectedly, the young man vomited a large beach on others.

"It's going to be difficult to clean up," Danny Sang thought. He watched the group of young people spank and chat with each other. They didn't give a good report in the dormitory in the middle of the night, and ran out to find the brothers to go to the hub for a drink to spend the night. Or maybe this group of young people is just a group of freshmen who have just graduated from college. They wake up at night and don’t know what to do. They are frightened by the confusion and panic, so they walk in groups in the middle of the night. He had to walk aimlessly, "It's just like their current life, there's no purpose at all." Danny-sang thought again, leaning back on the comfortable and firm back of the chair. This chair cost Danny-sang a lot of money. less money.

In fact, Danny-san didn't want to smoke on the balcony. He leaned on the railing and quietly looked at the group of young people in their 20s, remembering that he seemed to be like this when he was young. When I was in college, I recklessly drank, chatted and played billiards everywhere. At every turn, I quarreled with others, quarreled, caused trouble, and even almost got expelled from the school for this. In fact, Danny-sang didn't have any great ideals in his heart at that time. On the surface, he might seem content and content, but deep down he felt extremely anxious about the broad future. In this state, Danny Sang got a girlfriend, and quit smoking because his girlfriend hated the smell of cigarettes (although it was revived later). After graduating from college, he joined the other party's father's company to work with his girlfriend's idea, because He doesn't have any other goals in his mind, so Danny Sang knows that he just needs to work hard in this company in the future. Later, Danny Sang did a good job in his career. He was promoted under the recommendation of others and took the position of supervisor. He showed a rare talent in leading the work of his employees. With his help, the company has grown. The local branch opened, and he was assigned to supervise and observe the branches in various places. At night, he went home to accompany his wife and coax children. Now he has been married to his then-girlfriend for nearly 30 years, and he is the father of three children. One of the two men is in high school, the other is in China, and the woman is studying psychology-related knowledge in college. He was kicked out of the living room by his wife in the middle of the night, sitting on the balcony of his house smoking a cigarette, looking at the group of young people who were still young and looking at the moonlight shrouded in dark clouds above their heads.

The streets of Taipei in the early morning. Because I couldn't find any pictures related to the article, I put this one first. Of course, it was taken by the author myself.

The moon above his head was still the same unhappy, and the cigarette in his hand was almost smoked. Danny-sang seems to have lived a rare life and embarked on a path that seems to be the right one. Danny-sang thought about it, because of his wife and father's relationship, his life has been quite smooth all the time, his career can be regarded as a success, and his family situation is not It's bad, it can be said to be the consummation that others admire. Then why, sitting on the balcony smoking a cigarette, always feels a little wrong?

Maybe, Danny-sang's life has always been confused. In this state, he lives vaguely and clearly, definitely but uncertainly. Before he knows it, he has reached the age of half a hundred, but there is still no subconscious. A clear idea, what to do, what to do, just as if everything is going smoothly, and he is just an inexplicable, incomparably small, and weightless protagonist in this stage play called life.

The phone on the table vibrated, Danny-sang stood up, leaned against the railing, pulled his right hand back, and pressed the trigger with his fingers. The young people on the side were all panicked, and several people fell into vomiting. A wine party just disbanded, leaving a young man who had stopped vomiting lying down in a pool of blood.

"The work is done"

"I got it, thank you, Danny-san"


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