
喜歡寫詩、畫畫、寫小說,偶爾也寫點心理學文章,以不愧對大學所學。 不夠浪漫的浪漫主義者。 痞客邦: https://linyu88.pixnet.net/blog 周一晚上更新 IG: lin_yu880229 FB粉專: Lin Yu的書桌

foggy place

I'm not cloudless

"A Foggy Place"

no fake world

Loving and being loved will also become myths

Lies are always true and false

to be convincing

financial bubbles too

Too many illusions stacked up

There I raised the fog

to keep you in place

The weather forecast you blindly believe

tell you it's sunny and rainy

no umbrella

The fog hides a barren secret

I told you about the blooming garden

withered from lack of sunlight

The sculpture of the gazebo has been blurred

But the way you stop and stare

Like the landscape I weave to you

is clearly reflected in the eyes

when no one speaks

The fog will also disperse

like the error message i once sent you

Forecast days always fall on schedule

Then you will find

Opposite the fog is not the rainy day I said

I'm not cloudless

If only this heart was fake

So even if I dedicate it to you

i don't have pain

But half of the lies come true

like i told you


Author's Note: In this poem, fog and mistake are synonymous.

Maybe love and lies too.

I think so, maybe because I'm not good at telling the truth.


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