
台大化工所 | Podcast 一百種檸檬味 喜歡閱讀、學習新事物。 粉專內容 : 閱讀心得/ 區塊鏈知識/ 解決問題 我的平台:https://linktr.ee/Lemonway_Learning Telegram推薦文章、書籍:https://t.me/lemonwaylearning

【Habit 2 starts with the end in mind: making the right choice is more important than making the right effort. 】

Ideas are as important as actions.

Since the founding of the fan club, I think you have heard the "begin with the end in mind" dozens of times. But I haven't explained it seriously, what is the purpose of starting with the end in the end, why should I think like this?

Begin with the end in mind, and most importantly, "know your goals clearly from the beginning!"

Because thinking is as important as action.

I think we all have an experience when you're doing the same thing with a group of the same people, but within the group, there's always someone who can do it quickly and efficiently, and it turns out great.

At this time, some people are slow, and they will always wonder why they are so slow. Even though I work very hard, why do other people seem to be so easy to achieve so quickly.

According to the description in the book and my own experience, the difference between these two types is that "Is there a goal I want to achieve first?"

Although it takes time and energy to conceive and plan goals at the beginning, when you think about it, you will find it very fast and effective when you start to implement it, because when you know what you are working on, your brain will operate in a very directional way.

On the contrary, most people who work hard will not necessarily decide the goal at the beginning, but will do it first, and then look around. When there is no goal to execute something, it is easy to get distracted; even halfway through, you realize that you are going the wrong way.

Just like if you managed to get out of a large grassland, you can choose to spend a little effort to climb a little higher and see which way is better to go; you can also choose to ignore the route directly, keep your head down and try to move forward, you may walk into thorns, Swamp Road.

To start with the end is to make the right choice, which is more important than making the right effort.


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