
台大化工所 | Podcast 一百種檸檬味 喜歡閱讀、學習新事物。 粉專內容 : 閱讀心得/ 區塊鏈知識/ 解決問題 我的平台:https://linktr.ee/Lemonway_Learning Telegram推薦文章、書籍:https://t.me/lemonwaylearning

[After the holiday, what should I do if I find that there are too many things to do?]

Two simple strategies for dealing with too much to do: 1. Active time management 2. Make and sort all to-do lists.

Two simple strategies for dealing with too many things to do:
1. Active time management model
2. Make and sort all to-do lists.

After the holidays, school starts and work starts. With a new start, there are a lot of things and problems waiting for us to solve. Everyone should often have a lot of things that are very annoying!

I think three strategies I've learned recently will help me complete challenges more efficiently!

1. Active time management mode: Human time can be divided into active and passive. If I find that I have endless emails and messages that I can answer every day; or that I keep getting called over, then I'm in passive time management. This consumes a lot of brain power to do things.

May wish to try to regain the initiative of time!

Develop the habit of never using your mobile phone (on flight mode) when you need to work hard, or set a 90-minute rest period for 90 minutes of serious work, so that you can devote 100% of your energy to your work.

2. List and sort all to-do lists: We will have many systems and goals waiting for us to complete in a new semester or a new quarter. There are too many elective courses to take, to be a teaching assistant for some courses, to self-study, to exercise, and so on!

Write it down by hand!

Everyone should often encounter a sudden explosion of things at a certain stage of work and have no expectations at all, and then they will want to smash and play to escape the pain of the moment!

So I would start by writing all the things to do in the next period of time on a blank piece of paper or a calendar, before things started, before the brain overload happened.

Start by listing the effort and return on each thing; assess the importance and ROI of each thing, then list the order and start working on the most important or highest return.

Allocate time for all to-do items throughout the day, so that you can make the best use of time without wasting it! I believe this can reduce the dilemma of suddenly having too many things to explode one day and then being very tired and not wanting to do it!

# Lemonway's daily study notes #Facebook Fanzhuan # Taiwan University # dailygrowth #successful learning #starting with the end #reverse thinking #atomic habits #mind to win #get rich and strong heart #investment #lifelonglearning #create value # community management


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