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【Atomic Habit-3 The first step to develop a good habit?】

The first step to building a good habit: Make the prompt obvious.

The first step to building a good habit: Make the prompt obvious.

Rule 1, fill in habits. Make a list of all current habits and judge them as good or bad. Don't rush to change it now!

Rule 2, execute intent. Many habits are difficult to form, not because the habit itself is difficult, but because we give it a vague definition when we want to form it. For example, we often wish we exercise three times a week. But we didn't make it clear at all what exercise to do? When to exercise? Where to exercise?

Precisely write down the habits you want to form and say that you will do it yourself, which can effectively increase the rate of habit formation.

Rule 3, get used to stacking. Bind the new habit you want to develop with the old one! For example, if we want to read every day, but it is difficult to develop, we can try reading a book for 10 minutes when you open youtube every day! youtube As a reward, other habits can be better formed.

Rule 4: Increase the environment for habit formation. If you want to develop the habit of reading, you should fill your usual places with books. On the table, on the bed, in the toilet... Expose yourself to the environment, and it will silently increase your desire to read!

#Lemonway's daily study notes#Facebook Fanzhuan# Taiwan University #dailygrowth#successful learning#starting with the end#reverse thinking#atomic habits#mind to win#get rich and strong heart#investment#lifelonglearning#create value# community management


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