

EP14. Working partner looking for a team? Is outsourcing also good?


A friend of mine encountered a problem, that is, when he was in his company, he was not sure why their team had a low centripetal force, because he felt that one of the reasons he chose to start a new venture was that he hoped that the relationship between the team could be more harmonious, and then They can help each other and learn a little more, but after joining the company, he found that everyone is still in charge of their own, and in fact he doesn't know how his work will help the company. That's because He has been to a lot of new ventures before, so the problem in this area has always existed, then there will be a question mark that is "Hey, is this the normal state?" For convenience, to talk about the difference in mentality between the two, then Let's first define it by "team" and "outsourcing", that is, the team is probably a feeling of a team, then outsourcing means that I complete my tasks.

individual case

Time kidnapping from herd mentality

OK, for start-ups, I think this stage is the best time to sculpt corporate culture, because you are still in the beginning stage. Your company does not have a thousand or two thousand people. In a large group, it is very difficult for you to change suddenly. At this time, everyone can also reflect on whether the company you are working for is also different from your colleagues, and then there is little communication, because I am actually I have been there too. It has nothing to do with the industry. Either everyone does their own work, and then when the time is up, they go off work by themselves, or they work overtime together. I have encountered a company before, and then I was all in it. It belongs to the kind of punctual, I will leave when I get there, but some colleagues will ask me, "Huh? Why don't you work overtime with everyone?" Even the boss asks me this way, but I have no way to find that The reason to convince me, let me stay and work overtime, because I am you and I am done. I have planned my time schedule, but from another perspective, why don't others do it? Others Does a person have nothing to do after work? Maybe there is, so why does he stay? Is it because of herd mentality, that everyone around you is working overtime, and then you feel that you should continue to stay If you are alone in the whole office, some people may feel unbearable, but when you don't manage your own time, it is time to manage you, or your time I was directly kidnapped. When I mentioned this to my colleagues before, I felt that they should be busy, that is, you feel that you have no time all the time, but I obviously do as many things as you, but you You can hear these people keep saying "I'm very busy, I'm very busy, and then the company has done something today, and then I have to do something else when I get home." It’s just to fill my own time. Later, I slowly realized that there is actually a little element in it, which is the corporate culture. If your corporate culture is that it is normal for everyone to work overtime together, then your time is likely to be kidnapped because of this. , so while observing this point, I also hope that if I start a business in the future, I can create a comfortable environment for everyone to work.

The order of individual, team and business values

But many companies must have thought this way. Why is there no way to do this successfully? My own thinking is that if you want to give your work partner a certain degree of freedom, it may follow him. A sense of responsibility, because taking responsibility or helping other colleagues to complete the company's goals, this may have a feeling of revolutionary emotion, which may be one of the reasons why some young people want to join the new venture, because for the fresh graduates , it may be a bit rigid to enter a big company right away. I have asked many people, and their answer is "Ah, I will wait until one day, I think it's almost enough, I have enough fun, and then there is no hope in life, I will join again, like this It's not too late, anyway, it's a big company, it's just climbing slowly", before I entered, I knew that promotion would not be easy, and it would not be interesting to enter early, so it's better to watch it in the new gangster, and then feel that The atmosphere, I think it's good, and then I go to a big company. This also corresponds to the problem that some startups can't retain people. Why should I stay here? Is it because of the salary? OK, then if your The salary has been paid enough, are you sure that he will not leave in the future? Of course, some companies do this, but when you have limited funds, how can you not kill people with money? How to make your employees not Use you as a springboard? Then it will be related to what is there in your company that attracts him, because you can't say that you just paint the vision of your company, and the blueprint of the whole future, and then you can try to convince others Well, because every company can’t talk about it so beautifully? He can only get investment money if he talks so well, so what else can we talk about next? Many companies will take its benefits The list is full, especially like some human resources banks, or some new recruiting platforms, but at this time, think about it again. When you are looking for a job, what do you feel when you see these? What can you get off work early, then an hour's buffer, then three quarters of gift money, annual employee travel, and then whether it is close enough to home, enough money, no, from the perspective of your employees, do you think your employees will How to introduce other people to this company, or how to describe this company, or the team, it doesn’t have to be a company, I myself often hear a lot of people say how my boss is, and then Or my colleagues are also very good, and then I feel very bad, or I think I feel very good, mainly talking about "feeling", and then finally talk about his salary, and then he has any benefits, so The focus is still on your corporate culture, that is, the feeling you give to your team. You let your co-workers feel the value of this team, and then add to their own value. If he feels good, he will introduce it to others. Well, since he is introduced to others, he will have a higher chance of staying, and he will be less likely to leave immediately, but there are still many motivations. This is just an example, it may be more idealized, and I think Many new entrepreneurs must know this point, so they In their recruitment introduction, it may be said that I will cultivate you and then understand your thoughts. Then everyone is equal, just try to let everyone understand that our team is a team, and then not You come in and throw something for you to do, and you can leave when you're done, like this, especially during an interview, if you let the other person know about your own thoughts, as well as his thoughts, you are an equal Let’s talk about what value we can bring after cooperation, and then I need you which part is irreplaceable, how can we both become better together, such a cooperation goal, compared to what you said Say that after you come in, you have to do these things every day, A, B, C, D. After that, you can leave work on time. Which one do you think will be more impressive? The second one actually feels like saying "That's what my job is, so what about my salary?" It turns into saying that I just look at the salary. It's very similar to when you were in class before, if the teacher asked you to say, "Hey, you're going to take this whole semester this semester." If you recite this textbook, just recite it, you can go out and play, and I won't call you back." Then you won't be hurt very much? You don't know what you are doing now, I myself I don't like to do things with unclear purpose, so if I encounter this kind of thing, I will have a big question mark, and I will not do it.

A corporate culture without outsiders

However, for some companies that have grown, it is very difficult for every employee to know the future plan. In addition, your team may be divided into many layers, so it is difficult for you to learn from the top. The following is the same idea, but since there is a hierarchy, it is a department, who will manage this department? It is a PM, I think a good PM or leader, in addition to letting you, you The team is beyond 60 points, and through your team atmosphere, you can push him to 90 points, which is what I think is really fierce. What I am talking about is the naturally formed atmosphere, which is the revolutionary emotion. This kind of feeling, instead of saying that everyone is tied together, and then restricting that we are going to have dinner this week, and then we are going to travel the next week, I think this kind of hard binding will only have the opposite effect, maybe the other party will hate you very much, you still This is tied in this way, so the focus is still on how to make everyone work comfortably, and then go on to understand what we are doing now, what our purpose is, and then motivate them to do it through some ways of rewarding more than punishment. It is better, otherwise everyone sees different KPIs. If there is a problem, everyone should first see if I have reached this KPI, whether it is my fault, and then if I have no problem, I will see if it is wrong On the other side, don't burn me anyway. Would you like to stay with this kind of team? Take digital marketing as an example, because it is not a thing in itself. You may need to publish product articles on the website, and then I have to plan the schedule again, and then add the optimization of your article (SEO), and then or how to divert traffic to your fan group, or shopping cart, if there are so many things, if it is every thing, come alone If you are responsible, do you think that everyone achieves his KPI, and this matter will bring sales? For design, he may just make a few pictures, and the amount of it is his KPI. It is said that the volume of production documents may also be a KPI. Take these two things as an example. Do you think that reaching the KPI will bring sales? If you dismantle them like this, when they are doing it, they will only think about it. As for my own things, he won't say whether my things can bring real value, or if I just finish my own things. I think this is a big problem. Of course, this is also the leader. It is difficult to do by itself, because the success or failure of the team is often related to the corporate culture. Everyone only cares about their own situation and will say it at the end. It may be a working student who finds out where there are defects in your product, or where The place is not well done, but that's not his KPI, why does he care about this? So if he doesn't talk about it, the information will not flow, and then you will increase the cost. To avoid this situation, don't talk about it. Set up a "what amount of bonus I'll give you if you find a mistake", then take that as the reward outweighs the penalty, and then convince yourself "I may give three thousand dollars for the bonus I give, but if he doesn't talk about it, I will A possible loss of 30,000 yuan", and then cooing over there , If this motive is wrong, everyone will only have their own ghosts.

A cooperative model that is comfortable for both parties

So when I was looking for a partner, I actually didn't look at a lot of what your technology was like or what you would know, but your mentality, your mentality in the face of this matter, and how responsible you are for you. Before cooperating with his partners, he will emphasize the mentality of role switching. I can understand the idea of partners (teams) and outsourcing, because these two are not wrong, but I hope that we can understand each other before cooperation. A comfortable way, and then to achieve the goal, if you just want to make money, that is, outsourcing, then you think this is very interesting, but if you don't want to take responsibility for this project, then we will use outsourcing. , if you are really a very good person, then of course the fees I give will not take advantage of others. Friends who are often working with me will know that after the ugly words are finished, they will be replaced by good ones, that is I mentioned "Why does the company need you"? Then what is the plan behind the company? If you join the team and become a team, what responsibilities will you be responsible for? Then your future development may become like in our company, I will I will tell you directly what my thoughts are. If you are easily replaced, I will not lie to you. I will tell you "After you do this, someone may join you and do it with you." The same thing, and even become your supervisor", then how do you want to become better, I will use the two-point thinking I mentioned earlier to discuss with you, what is your goal, then this What is the greatest value that a place can bring to you? If you do it later, and then want to stay, what kind of things do you need to be able to play what kind of role? It’s just that some partners talked to me at the beginning. At these times, I will suddenly be scared, and I will say why I suddenly become so serious, and I will talk about it very seriously. It is about responsibility and mentality. Then I think there is nothing to say about it. It is my own ability to express. Strengthen, probably.

practice experience

So it can be seen that I am also learning, because my own social skills are very poor, but I have been facing the computer for too long, so I will not talk to others, but I am still able to talk about hard things. Then I want Lasai, or I will give you a relationship there, then it is really difficult for me to do anything, especially strangers. Fortunately, my own partners understand my personality. I think this point Fortunately, I think this is the feeling of a team, I quite like it, OK, then I dare not say that the above things will definitely help you, but I hope these points can at least prompt you to think in a different position. After all, the above concept can be regarded as a reference sample after all!

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