
嗨~你好!很開心在這裏遇見你~ 我是翻轉教練 Crama ,也是AQ逆商智慧,和自我實現心理學的踐行者與分享人。我致力於協助人們翻轉財務、親子及親密關係品質,提升「人生幸福力」,建立實現高自我價值的豐盛富足人生。歡迎與我同行,共同攜手打造幸福和諧的社會。

What does the epidemic mean to you?

When it comes to the new crown epidemic, what are the keywords that come to your mind? Is it confirmed diagnosis, community infection, severe disease, death, vaccine, control, home isolation, work from home, school suspension, independent study, distance work and study, or group restriction, city closure, business closure, bailout subsidies...? Today, aside from the debate of right and wrong, I just want to talk about the impact of the epidemic on me...
When it comes to the new crown epidemic, what are the keywords that come to your mind? Is it confirmed diagnosis, community infection, severe disease, death, vaccine, control, home isolation, work from home, school suspension, independent study, distance work and study, or group restriction, city closure, business closure, bailout subsidies...?

Regarding the impact of the epidemic, the vast majority of people are either avoiding it, or they are full of worry, pain, grievance or anger. Today, apart from the right and wrong debate, I just want to talk about the impact of the epidemic on me.

In the second half of 2019, my life came to a desperate situation.

In the 2016 karma meeting, my friends highly recommended children who have no sense of achievement in their studies to participate in a program for exchange students in American high schools. I want to use this to inspire my children to expand their horizons and find a suitable environment for them.

Although I have been keen on investing for many years, I have repeatedly failed in investment and my finances are tight. When this opportunity came, I still decided to bite my teeth and try my best to raise funds for my children to go abroad. After the one-year exchange program ended, the child chose to give up his Taiwanese high school diploma and stay in the United States to study at a local university. I disregarded my husband's objection and gave all my money to support it.

Unexpectedly, the child had twists and turns abroad, and finally gave up halfway. The education and diplomas in Taiwan and the United States were all lost, and all the money and hard work were lost. After the child returned to China, he became more self-imposed, closed his heart, refused to communicate with his family, was alienated and indifferent, and lived in a daze for several years, which severely broke my heart.

My husband, who is thrifty and conservative by nature, does not understand this very much. He thinks that it is because I dote on my children. I, who support my children wholeheartedly, end up not being human, inside and outside. Strangers, on the verge of divorce.

In countless dark nights, I washed my face with tears and deeply reflected on myself, why did I come to this point?

I secretly decided to prepare for divorce to make a living on my own, but I was thinking about my children and never took the step of leaving home.

In 2020, the new crown pneumonia swept the world with lightning speed. Many countries have experienced independent health management, home isolation, city closures and other measures. I love learning, but I was also forced to stop traveling by boat and travel to and from the north and south to study everywhere. Mode, you can only settle down and do your duty as a housewife.

I still remember at the beginning of the epidemic, I was still an abandoned wife whose husband did not want to meet each other, and there was nothing to say between the two for a long time.

Although I have made plans to divorce, after all, this is not a situation where you can leave immediately after you leave. In order to make life easier, I decided to be kind to myself and to live every moment with all my heart.

I didn't want to let the increasing time spent together by husband and wife become a torment for each other, so I showed goodwill, and I began to actively interact with my husband and find common topics from me who didn't watch the news, pay attention to the epidemic, or hear about the world. From time to time, I casually ask Mr. about the progress of the epidemic, news about epidemic prevention from all over the world, respect his focus and opinions, and occasionally even enthusiastically discuss certain issues. In this way, the stagnant water slowly flows.

In the past, for the sake of my own learning and growth, I really ignored my family and left my husband alone. After the outbreak of the epidemic, I will return more focus of my life to my family, and make a proper balance and balance between self-growth and housework.

In this way, housework and study are not delayed, and life is full and busy.

Starting from the beginning of January this year (2021), I launched a punch-in campaign in my public welfare group. Since March, I have launched a one-year publishing topic on the square grid, as well as a brand new practice theme community.

During this period, I also joined a new system to learn. This system is extensive and profound, and there are too many interesting knowledge worth learning. Every day, I am like a starving child, greedily looking at all the delicious snacks within reach. .

Although there are a lot of things and courses to be carried out, in order to keep myself motivated to exercise and check-in unremittingly in the group, I tried my best to optimize my life timeline. The goal of daily check-in has been achieved!

With the spread of the local epidemic in Taiwan, the epidemic prevention situation is severe, and the number of times I go out to buy is minimized as much as possible. I always buy a large amount at a critical moment and when I have to replenish.

Perhaps it is to understand that I have purchased a lot, or it may be that I have been bored at home for a long time. I want to find a chance to go out and get some air. The husband will always volunteer to accompany me to go out to buy. The thoughtful behavior moved me and made me unable to help. I miss the time when the children were young and the whole family went to the store together.

Seeing the service staff in the store wearing complete anti-epidemic equipment, and seeing everyone pushing all kinds of snacks, fresh food, and daily necessities stuffed in shopping carts, in this era of severe changes, how many people are infected with the epidemic and how many people are in the world. Facing the separation of life and death from our loved ones, I think that although our lives have been affected and it is a little inconvenient, we are still free to move, and there is no shortage of necessities of life. The most important thing is that the whole family is safe and healthy. Thinking of this, I am grateful from the bottom of my heart. The love arises spontaneously.

Suddenly I found that life is going around in circles, in fact, we don't really want much~

  • Thanks to all the medical staff who have been on the front line since the outbreak of the epidemic, they have worked diligently to protect the health of the people day and night. The officials in charge of public health have tried their best to prevent the spread of the epidemic. They may miscalculate the situation and may not be satisfactory. The hard work you have made should not be wiped out, thank you for your hard work!
  • Thanks to the efforts of government officials, public transportation vehicles, freight logistics, commerce, etc. practitioners and cleaning personnel, so that the normal social mechanism can continue to operate!
  • Thanks to our smooth telecommunication network equipment, during the epidemic prevention period at home, we can receive all kinds of information synchronously and instantly, so as not to panic like the information closure during SARS. I would also like to thank the education units and teachers at all levels of schools for working hard to research new forms of distance online teaching, so that students will not waste their studies due to the epidemic.
  • Thanks to all the catering industry struggling to survive, let us have the option of tasting delicious food and reducing the burden of meal preparation when the epidemic is tense!
  • Thank you to every citizen who cooperated with the epidemic prevention measures. The general quality of the people in Taiwan is still very high. Thanks to everyone's cooperation, the epidemic can be brought under control in a very short period of time.
  • Thanks to the epidemic for allowing us to slow down and have more time to spend with ourselves, as well as with family and friends, and have more opportunities and topics to communicate and interact with. Maybe, in the past, we would not cherish such fate deliberately, but in the test of life Next, we began to learn to care for this friendship.
  • Thank you Fangge, Matters, Facebook, Jianshu... These platforms have given me the opportunity to sort out and integrate what I have learned over the years, provide a channel for voice, and share my experience, perception and learning experience with more people, for this Contribute a heart and wisdom to the world!
  • ...There are so many things to be thankful for, thanks to the epidemic for letting us learn to be grateful!

What does the pandemic mean to you?

For me , the epidemic is the turning point in my life!

I am grateful that I am not limited by stereotypes and view the epidemic from a different perspective, so I have received the gift that the epidemic has brought me.

If my story can inspire you, then let us express a little thanks to the epidemic!

【Extended reading】 :

How can I reverse the fate of the grudge and create a happy life?

Why has the global "happiness" increased in the epidemic year?

#Thanks in the epidemic

#epidemic diary#epidemic record

# taiwanlang's epidemic diary


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