
嗨~你好!很開心在這裏遇見你~ 我是翻轉教練 Crama ,也是AQ逆商智慧,和自我實現心理學的踐行者與分享人。我致力於協助人們翻轉財務、親子及親密關係品質,提升「人生幸福力」,建立實現高自我價值的豐盛富足人生。歡迎與我同行,共同攜手打造幸福和諧的社會。

Faced with the turbulent test in life, how do you deal with it?

When facing the stormy ordeals in life, turn your attention to your inner self and calm your mind and body. Once you return to the inner core, you are at the center of tranquility, and no matter how turbulent the outside world is, it will be difficult to shake this stable and stable peace. But when we identify with and follow the outside world, we enter the storm, sink into the vortex of chaos, lose inner peace, let the chaos cloud our wisdom, and become incompetent, powerless, and helpless. "Admit" I'm in a storm, but "disagree" I have to get into the storm circle. …
The May day in 2021 is very unstable. Taiwan stocks have gone through a shock education of more than 2,000 points in two trading days, and the collapse is more severe than the Indian stock market. With 180 cases, the risk of epidemic prevention in Shuangbei has entered the third level of alert. As soon as the news came out, a large number of people flooded into the store, frantically rushing to buy civilian materials, and dry food such as instant noodles and toilet paper were swept away in the store.

In such an atmosphere, social media is naturally full of good dramas. Since the "connection between people" has a new understanding, various current affairs memes, epidemic news, health care information... spread all over the sky, whether it is confirmed or not Confirmed, even false rumors of invasion of privacy have set off a heated discussion.

Some people spread emotional content such as accountability, criticism, anger, panic, etc. on the Internet. Maybe their starting point is good intentions. However, if you think about it carefully, emotional reactions are not helpful for the results that have happened, and they are really helpful for the society at this moment. Does it help?

If you really want to do something for the world, the best way is not to get involved in the vortex of events and resonate with the public and collective consciousness, but to start from a higher dimension and vision, return to your inner core, return to the center of tranquility , to ask: "If I am willing to contribute, what role can I play in this event? What else can I do?"

【Extended reading】

If you want to do something for the world, start here!

"You attract what you care about" - The Law of Attraction.

According to the universal law, "you attract what you focus on", and when you focus on something, that thing becomes stronger (commonly known as the " law of attraction" ).

If the "Law of Attraction" is true, we pay a lot of attention to the event, instead of not turning it, it will increase the development of the direction of attention. I believe this result is not what everyone wants. So, should we choose only the optimistic news we want to see, and turn a blind eye to the other news?

In this period of severe epidemic and economic and financial turmoil, all kinds of alarmist messages are pouring in, which is confusing. What kind of mentality should we use to deal with it?

How can we not be affected by external disturbances, and be as peaceful as the eye of a typhoon in the center of the storm?

As a part of modern society, mentally, we cannot be isolated from the world like an island. Keeping abreast of the epidemic situation and cooperating with the government's epidemic prevention measures is an epidemic prevention duty that every citizen must fulfill.

However, when paying attention to epidemic information, or even clicking, liking, commenting, retweeting, etc. on social media, do we have enough awareness of our inner motives? Do you know that you are in a state of panic, anxiety, anger, accusation, etc., or is it pure observation and awareness, without fear and judgment, just quietly watching everything happen and flow?

When we can abstract away from events. Jumping out of the problem level of right and wrong, not judging, not resisting, surrendering to all the happenings in the moment, and simply dealing with the response from the perspective of "things" is to contribute a peaceful energy to the collective.

【Extended reading】

(Limited-time free trial) Return to the present, return to the practice of inner strength

What can we do from the point of view of "things"?

Psychologists have found that when you are under stress in the face of major challenges, you can effectively relieve and release the stress if you focus on the "manageable" parts.

That is to say, when life faces major challenges, you should focus as much as possible on the things you can control, not on the things you can't control, draining precious energy with worries, fears, and anger.

Therefore, instead of spending a lot of time and energy paying attention to external information and letting yourself sink into anxiety and panic, you might as well calm down and ask yourself: "Faced with this, what can I do now?"

【Reference source】

Focus on the Things You Can Control

Image source: Translated by Cai Baixiang Psychologist|Used with permission

What kind of mentality should I use to deal with the stormy waves?

A year ago, former Vice President Chen Jianren, who served as Director of Health during SARS, shared a picture of "Me in the Plague" through Facebook, explaining the changes in the public's different mentality during the epidemic, from panic to learning how to cope. , and then to the growth state.

  • Panic state: easily irritable, hoarding medical and civilian supplies, spreading feelings of resistance and anger.
  • Learning state: Recognize self-emotion, let go of things that are out of control, distinguish information and not spread false news at will.
  • Growing state: Empathy, gratitude, and dedication to self.

The picture "Me in the Plague" interprets the changes in the public's different mentality during the epidemic. Image source: Chen Jianren Facebook

Image source: Chen Jianren Facebook

Chen Jianren's post also mentioned that during the SARS epidemic in 2003, people's hearts changed from mutual suspicion, alienation and resistance, mutual criticism and stigma; to mutual sympathy, mutual gratitude, self-reflection and self-devotion, no matter which one The change of mentality during the epidemic period is a process of evolution from the consciousness of "me" to the consciousness of "we".

During the SARS epidemic, Taiwan's hearts changed. Image source: Chen Jianren Facebook

Image source: Chen Jianren Facebook

【Reference source】

Illustration of "Me in the Plague" Chen Jianren: The virtues of Taiwanese are tempered in the suffering of the epidemic

When a person's inner concentration and wisdom are insufficient, seeing everything that happens outside is a matter of survival for "I". Fright and anger cannot generate enough strength to support the calmness required to face things, nor can they properly respond to and handle trials.

What's more, excessive negative emotions cause shocks, resulting in depression, depression, anxiety, chest tightness, rapid heartbeat, etc. At this time, you should turn your attention to your inner self to stabilize your body and mind.

Once you return to the inner core, when you are at the center of tranquility, no matter how turbulent the outside world is, it is difficult to shake this stable and stable peace.

However, when we identify with and follow the outside world, we enter the storm, sink into the turbulent vortex like a tornado, lose our inner peace, let the chaos cloud our wisdom, and become incompetent, powerless, and helpless.

"Admit" that I am in the storm of raging waves, but "disagree" that I have to enter the storm circle of existential crisis. Right now, "cleaning up" is very important.

When negative energy strikes, what method do you use to clean up, release and transform?

Previous articleWhen negative energy strikes, how do you clean up and transform and consciously return to a state of peace and joy? It was mentioned that the idol Han Xing Kim Soo Hyun, who has suffered from depression for many years, suffered from insomnia. He shifted his focus through hobbies such as sports, dancing, cycling, etc., to get rid of the chattering thoughts in his mind, and successfully bid farewell to the haze of depression.

At this moment, everyone should find a way to relieve stress and exercise that suits them, such as walking, exercise, yoga, meditation, meditation, practicing breathing, interacting with animals and plants... and so on.

You can find a quiet and stable space to rest your busy mind; connect with the body, regulate kinetic energy, and release blocked energy; timely contact family members or important friends to greet, support each other, express love and care; be grateful and cherish Every moment in life is beautiful.

Life is a flowing feast, mysterious, unknown, infinite, and difficult to control.

Looking at things from the point of view of "people", you can always find flaws, flaws, and imperfections in everything. However, looking at the long history, can things ever be perfect?

David, who proposed the energy level table of consciousness. Dr. Hawkins, accumulated decades of clinical research, hopes to comprehensively address all forms of human suffering. After several explorations, I finally found that the most practical and effective way to face emotional distress, break through life pressure and crisis challenges is to surrender.

Surrender means acknowledging that there are various negative experiences and feelings that arise in life situations and being willing to face those feelings without judgment.

In other words, experience life experience constantly flowing through oneself, do not identify with clinging, do not resist escaping, allow all sensory perceptions, emotional feelings, thoughts, come and go, as if not moving, just clearly experience, see, and perceive .

Only by surrendering can we overcome the pain in the process and enjoy the fruits of transformation.

【Extended reading】

The Enjoyment of Surrender: The Heart-lifting Exercise of Peace of Mind in Everything

Everything is the best arrangement

  • Without the pain of loss, people do not know how to cherish and be grateful.
  • Without the persecution of life lessons and difficulties, people would not want to find their own truth.
  • Without the process of facing death threats, panic and anxiety, people will not have supreme respect and awe for life.

When we are willing to surrender, to break free from the emotional bondage imposed by events, to settle at the inner core, to enter into deep peace and tranquility, we return to oneness, to the vastness of compassion, unconditional love, giving and protecting middle.

From the perspective of the consciousness of cosmic unity, we will see that all happenings come in response to the call of the soul's ultimate desire, to serve the needs of the soul's evolution, no one or anything is wrong and should not exist, everything is All within the divine order of the universe.

Love is the answer to everything, the best antidote.

When we are willing to withdraw from events, escape from the binary opposition between right and wrong of "human beings", do not judge, do not resist, surrender to what happens at the moment, understand that no one needs to be forgiven, and no one should be blamed, All of them are actors in this cosmic drama. They are in their respective positions and perform their duties. They participate in the performance with all their hearts, and only contribute to the evolution of the common soul.

If we can understand all of this, is it worth offering deep love and gratitude for this moment of realization?

What are you grateful for right now ? Welcome to leave a message to share.

Grateful that the road of life is accompanied by you.

infinite blessings, Crama


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