
自我成長|職場觀點|心靈毒雞湯 ✷ 每週工作超過 𝟭𝟬𝟬 小時,奔波做劇場、做品牌、做社群,29歲半熟大人の職場破關筆記! ◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡ 每日書寫自我覺察、紀錄個人成長 也分享一些力量或實用職場觀點給你⚡️ 偶爾勵志、偶爾務實也偶爾犀利 ✎ 願我們不只有雙總是發亮的眼睛 更有能力,活成自己喜歡的樣子

Reflection✷ Even if you don’t make money for a while, it will become more and more valuable

Continue to learn and grow, so that you can have the capital to continue to take risks and dream; even if you don’t make money now, you must work hard to make yourself more and more valuable.

Looking at the deposit figures, I decided to give myself some positive thinking XD

In my lecture not long ago, I shared with you that "marketing is a process of delivering value" and "people are willing to exchange price for the value you provide"

So after returning home, I further reflected, as a worker, do I have the ability to provide any value to the world? Has the accumulation and professionalism of the past few years made me more and more valuable?

Or go back to the most realistic level, even if there is not much deposit at this stage, but is the time spent slowly cultivating one's career capital?

On the one hand, reflection, on the other hand, is to give yourself expectations.

It is necessary to consciously accumulate professional skills, improve learning and thinking skills, interpersonal skills, and even charisma.

Continue to learn and grow, so that you can have the capital to continue to take risks and dream; even if you don’t make money now, you must work hard to make yourself more and more valuable.

Become an irreplaceable shining existence.


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