530|人才的戰略發展|The Strategic Development of Talent|William J. Rothwell , H. C. Kazanas
530|人才的戰略發展|The Strategic Development of Talent|William J. Rothwell , H. C. Kazanas 組織的人才戰略發展,在開展初期最常遇到的挑戰來自,這件事情是否能看到成效。
How Much Does It Cost to Build an App Like Uber
how much does it cost to build an app like uberHow much does it cost to build an app like Uber?That’s the question we hear a lot.
一杯午夜咖啡:讀James Ferguson《反政治機器》
如果你也曾被計畫補助案的繁瑣行政程序逼到絕境,讀政治人類學家James Ferguson的成名作Anti-Politics Machine大概會深有所感。在這本考察「計畫」如何落地的民族誌裡,他犀利地批判國際發展計畫對賴索托的扭曲想像,不僅僅是讓看似「立意良善」的計畫本身失敗而已,還導致了更有害的結構性後果。