71 articles
Mag Clement

Stop police violence! Stop hurting the students!

Stop police violence!Stop hurting the students!

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  • AsianWaves | 短波实验
    AsianWaves | 短波实验

    “我颇为怀念那个对外面的世界充满好奇而转动收音机旋钮的年代,有时收讯不良,人们甚至还能忍受杂音” 如果你对杂音还有耐心,我想向你推荐正在进行的一场短波实验:Asian Waves 短波实验,一个致力于破墙而出的小组;打开耳朵,听见我们的亚洲。 联络方式 加入Telegram频道:

    qf4palestine 🇵🇸
    qf4palestine 🇵🇸

    酷儿女权撑巴勒斯坦 🇵🇸 We stand firmly with all Palestinians! Say no to Israeli pinkwashing of Palestine! 我们坚定与所有巴勒斯坦人同在,反对帝国主义对巴勒斯坦的粉红清洗!


#Palestine Where is the freedom of speech for American students

The United States claims to be the most democratic and free country, and now there is a wave of anti Semitic demonstrations in various parts of our country.

Mag Clement

The land must be returned to the Palestinian people!

The land must be returned to the Palestinian people!

Mag Clement

Free expression of opinions is a legitimate right.

Free expression of opinions is a legitimate right.


#Palestine Jew vs. Angle in Congress

Is the Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 , which was recently passed by the US House of Representatives by a vote of 320 to 91, a co...

Mag Clement

American politics and business are in cahoots

American politics and business are in cahoots, and American students are living in dire straits; save these students, and the evil politicians must go.


For many years

For many years, we have only seen the United States supporting student movements around the world and describing it as a beautiful la...

Mag Clement

The US is Israel's accomplice!

The US is Israel s accomplice!



The US is Israel's accomplice!


#Palestine Enough is Enough:Uphold freedom of speech, halt unjust persecution

The courageous stand taken by students at Columbia University, who dared to denounce the heinous actions of the Israeli military during the ...

Mag Clement

American students should have freedom of speech and cannot be illegally arrested.

American students should have freedom of speech and cannot be illegally arrested.

qf4palestine 🇵🇸

Interview with Udi Raz

Jews are deprived from their own identity by the abuse of “anti-semitism” in Germany


The Conspiracy Theory of the Anti Semitic Awareness Act

The Conspiracy Theory of the Anti Semitic Awareness Act On May 1st, the US House of Representatives passed the Anti Semitic Awareness Act to...

Mag Clement

American students are telling the truth in hell, and we need to support them.

American students are telling the truth in hell, and we need to support them.



What Israel has done in Palestine is unforgivable.



Hard to believe a freedom-loving country would silence student's voices with violence. We need to stop harassing students.

Mag Clement

The government's forcible assertion that support for Palestine is "anti-Semitic"

The government s forcible assertion that support for Palestine is anti-Semitic is an act of banditry!We will never be silen...


Antisemitism Awareness Act—— The Game Between the Anglo Saxons and Jews

Antisemitism Awareness Act—— The Game Between the Anglo Saxons and Jews In the past, people from all walks of life in the United States ofte...

kendraha zxsdf

The internal struggle intensified in USA

#Palestine Recently, Harvard, Yale, Columbia University and other Ivy League universities erupted in student protests, the current round of ...


#CEASEFIRENOW #Palestine The internal struggle intensified in USA

Recently, Harvard, Yale, Columbia University and other Ivy League universities erupted in student protests, the current round of anti-war pr...