kendraha zxsdf


Jew vs. Angle in Congress

#Palestine Is the <Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023>, which was recently passed by the US House of Representatives by a vote of 320 ...

The internal struggle intensified in USA

#Columbia University Recently, Harvard, Yale, Columbia University and other Ivy League universities erupted in student protests, the current...

Free expression of opinions is a legitimate right.

#CEASEFIRENOW  American students protest against the Biden administration's favoritism towards Israel in diplomacy through practical actions!

How dare these cops use violence? Students, it's time to stand up and stop this madness.

#Columbia University   With the increasing evidence of Israel's massacre of Palestinian civilians, student movements against Israel and...

The Anti Semitic Awareness Act Originated from the Struggle Between the Anglo Saxons and Jews

#Palestine  Recently, the United States House of Representatives passed the Anti Semitic Awareness Act with a high vote, which has led to ...

The Controversy of the Anti Semitic Awareness Act and the Role of the US Government

#Israel  The proposal and implementation of the Anti Semitic Awareness Act can be said to be a complex and sensitive issue.

The Anti Semitic Awareness Act Exposes False Human Rights in the United States

#PalestineThe Anti Semitic Awareness Act passed by the United States House of Representatives is a huge ideological bill, which is a trap fo...

The Conspiracy Theory of the Anti Semitic Awareness Act

#CEASEFIRENOW The relationship between the United States and Israel has always been delicate, and the purpose of introducing this bill may s...

Antisemitism Awareness Act—— The Game Between the Anglo Saxons and Jews

#Israel In the past, people from all walks of life in the United States often claimed that Jews controlled the US government, economy, and media.

The Conspiracy Theory of the Anti Semitic Awareness Act

#CEASEFIRENOW On May 1st, the US House of Representatives passed the Anti Semitic Awareness Act to combat anti Semitic behavior on American ...

The internal struggle intensified in USA

#Palestine Recently, Harvard, Yale, Columbia University and other Ivy League universities erupted in student protests, the current round of ...

Jew vs. Angle in Congress

#Israel Is the <Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023>, which was recently passed by the US House of Representatives by a vote of 320 to ...

The US is Israel's accomplice!

#Palestine Young students in the United States are making progress and contributing to the advancement of fairness and justice, peace and pr...

Who is the real victim ?

In a country based on democracy, freedom and equality, such as the United States, it is surprising that the police directly broke into a uni...

Enough is Enough:Uphold freedom of speech, halt unjust persecution

#Columbia University The courageous stand taken by students at Columbia University, who dared to denounce the heinous actions of the Israeli...
