How To Easily Transition To Subscription Management Platform
Plan your system transition and get the right subscription management solution at the right time.
Top 3 Benefits Subscriptions Based Billing Offers To Businesses & Customers
When do you think Netflix was founded?Make a guess, 2010?Or 2015?Or 2000?Well, the accurate answer is 1997. Since then, it has become a well...
開宗明義,我看好《蘋果日報》行訂閱制。不過我也說過自己不看好,很矛盾吧。心情是有點矛盾沒錯,但也並非精神分裂,我是整體很不看好傳統報業,認為絕大部分會逐漸被 Facebook、Google 和各種形式的新媒體蠶食、取代,而蘋果品牌、內容如此雜,習慣了服務最廣的受眾,沒有訂閱制所需要深入服務窄眾的經驗,這是所謂的不看好。