Don’t fall into a chronically slightly stressed state. Meaning don’t watch or scroll through coronavirus tweets all day. 避免长期轻度的压抑,减少关注疫情的文章
Give structure to your day and time spent working on things you enjoy. 每天安排固定的时间工作和练习自己喜欢的事情(在有规律的运动之外)
Don’t go to the well in training. 在运动中保持补水,不要有口渴的感觉
For the most part, ignore all of the advice on supplements, magic pills, etc. that are “immune-boosting.” 忽略那些膳食补充剂和营养补充剂的提升免疫力建议
Manage psychological stress: Find activities you can do to give yourself a mental break: Yoga, reading, meditation, walks in nature, etc. 管理外界信息对大脑的思绪和潜意识活动,固定的进行可以让思绪和潜意识得到专注的活动:瑜伽,阅读书籍,户外长时间步行
Don’t train yourself (or diet yourself) into glycogen depletion. 训练的强度和时间不超过肌糖原储备的消耗(肌糖原储备水平是当前身体运动表现水平的一个指征)
If you do decide to a slightly harder or longer workout, replenish with food and water soon after.超过一个小时或者超过心率强度的训练,每20-30分钟补充水和流质碳水化合物
Remember to exercise solo or in small groups with lots of distance to minimize transmission. 单独训练或者保持人群距离,避免传播感染