Sometimes I wonder how people get their spiritual energy to survive one day after another
Religion is probably too old to have, yet you find kind people staying calm and friendly by worshiping Budda
Existentialism makes sense, while people dramatically differ in what they find and choose to be meaningful
Mental therapy tells you to practice cognitive and behavioral change, tells you everything is going to be fine, what you need is time
I will use some private time to routinely define myself's uniqueness, that is the process of coming up with your own belief
You are valuable to this diverse world, just stay the way you are
I feel happy when:
shopping grocery and imaging the picture that I am cooking them
having the opportunity to help others
basking myself in the sun
reading books and encountering relatable writings
drawing/practicing calligraphy
dancing in music
wandering in museums
exercising and sweating
expressing myself clearly and honestly to others