The 835th day of the war.


Dear friends, it's been a long time since I've written to you.

Alas, there is no good news.

It's good that I'm in the capital and it's about 200 kilometers from the front line.

It seems that the capital is well protected by air defense, so the enemy is avoiding it.

But the power supply infrastructure is constantly being damaged.

That's why I have to spend 4-6 hours of light a day. And it's not even winter yet. The exchange rate is rising rapidly, and the national currency is getting cheaper.

This means that products are becoming very expensive.

On the other hand, this is my little cycling trip. But I have ridden very little, I have lost all my previous experience.

I found a fortification that survived the Second World War.

But the bullet holes in the first photo are fresh. Someone was checking the reliability of the concrete.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权


vlad1vpole- USDT TTgdaWd57dcKB6oWSgpgXdK4cCTKZtdcz6 _______ Wallet address: ↓ Atom ↓ . cosmos1y9prgw5ymtvygvgxyl50t2kzfr43dm0xvjpy7e .
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