[逐字] 拜會德州參議員 John Whitmire|政治就是用集體智慧尋找共識
影片逐字內容,影片來源: 柯文哲 YouTube 頻道; 拜會德州參議員 John Whitmire|政治就是用集體智慧尋找共識;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x80TKdIiu94
拜會德州參議員 John Whitmire
31 個參議員都在那個角落,來坐坐我的位置。
Dr. Ko was just asked, how can you long for the senator of 50 years?
柯文席想問說,您是怎麼有辦法擔任參(眾)議員長達 50 年?
50 years。
The first of all you’re supposed to say, but you don’t look older enough, that;s what you’re supposed to say. I came when I was 23.
你應該要先問說,但你看起來沒那麼老啊,這才是你該說的。我 23 歲的時候踏入政壇。
23 歲。
yeah he is 73 you know.
對,現在他 73 歲了。
I’m 73 now. I was on the other side of the capital for 10 years and then I came to senator 40 years ago. I was a college student, I was 22 as a college.
我已經 73 歲了。我在這棟大廈的另外一邊待了 10 年(擔任眾議員),然後 40 年前開始擔任參議員。當時我還是大學學生,我當時是大學生 22 歲。
When you still a student?
yeah. I was a senior, I still needed 1 year of college, you know how I got elected mayor? I didn’t have no money no money but I ran in my neightborhood my community, knocked doors, I just knockied doors. It was tough but I got elected. So I was over there (for) 10 years and then had a tough race for the senator
對。即使我已經很資深了,但我還有 1 年大學學業,你知道我怎麼當選的嗎?我當時根本沒有競選經費,但我跑遍我鄰居、我的社區,挨家挨戶的敲門,儘管很艱困,但我還是選上了。所以我在那邊(眾議員)花了 10 年,然後為了參議員打了一場艱苦的選戰。
Senator the bill you just mentioned about…
Ownership of land
of Chinese to buy the lands, it has been passed
It came out of the senate, it’s in the house. I don’t know if it’ll become law or not.
Texas all ot stay out of foreign policy, they just demagog. I think it goes back to the mean attitude of some Americans over COVID, so they, you know, I personally not sure anybody readlly know the origin of COIVD, of course, the message it came out of China, then they take that bias or prejudice or races, all the negative turns on and apply it to our land. We’re not under any serious threat from immigrants buying up our land and causing any harm from a state perspective. I mean we ought to leave that to the US government. That’s why we have a good federal goverment, but the state ought to worry about schools and hightways.
德州其實距離外交政策很遙遠,那只是在煽動情緒,我覺得這可以追溯到某些美國人對於 COVID 的負面態度,所以他們,你知道的,我個人不確定是不是所有人真的了解 COVID 的起源,有消息指說疫情來自中國,然後他們接受了那樣的偏見或種族的成見造成負面的轉拆,回頭反映在我們的土地上。從州方面的角度來看,我們並沒有因為移民購買我們的土地而面臨任何嚴重的威脅或傷害。我的意思是我們會把這個留給政府處理。這也是為什麼有個優秀的聯邦政府,但州政府應該擔心的是學校和公路。
Ten years ago, some senators came up to me on the floor and said they wanted to start having prayer breakfast.They wanted to start having morning, once a week a prayer, and I said,no, no, no, no. I’m a believer. I have faith. But I don’t do it in public.I’m very private about my religion. But they wouldn’t quit asking. They said, no, no.They said we want to be in private. We want to use your roomand they wouldn’t quit asking. I said, okay,three conditions, we’ll try: not nominational, no certain church, no outsiders. And we’re not going to try to save one another.We’re not going to try to get everybody to get baptized or go to heaven. Let’s just, let’s just have a faith breakfast.
What that did was, Republicans, Democrats, we were all in here together. Big city, little city, the country members came together. Then I’m sitting here, what are we going to do next? You know, I’m the guy that didn’t even really want to be here. But now I was said I’m in charge. So I said, why don’t we start here and everybody say what they’re thankful for. So, Mr. Mayor, they started talking about their family. Somebody had been sick and was now well. They talked about their son just got a scholarship somewhere. I mean, they just started opening up about what was on their mind and what they were thankful for. By bringing them under in the same room and talking about their faith, they forgot about politics and started being human beings and sharing their concerns with one another. It was really a good experience.
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