11月11日是加拿大的國殤紀念日(Remembrance Day),紀念第一次、第二次世界大戰和其他戰爭中陣亡的加拿大士兵,儘管人類自相殘殺依舊,但在和平的加拿大,人們到了這樣的日子,會配帶虞美人花以紀念犧牲者。
香港軍警正在圍攻香港各大學校園。 中國政府的態度很明顯:他們可以消滅整個香港年輕世代,反正不是根苗正紅,得先把這群年輕人抓光了,才方便再製造一批長得和現在我們在北美看到那些開著跑車到各大民主抗議場合大聲叫囂一模一樣的好中國人,因為愛國主義沒有討價還價的空間。 香港市民為了救他們的孩子,趕緊上街轉移軍警勢力,一個城市憑一己之力對抗全世界最邪惡的政權五個月,是誰也預想不到的勇敢。 2019.11.12.
A Voice Emerges
If no voice is present
Is there absolute silence
Or is there something
Different that lies in wait
Whether good or bad
A luck of the draw
Yet when the voice is quiet
And so much occurs
That hurts the souls
And removes the innocence
It takes a voice
To shout back
And with it an echo
A harmony that starts
As more ears attune
And hear the call
Different from the first
And with it-with it
The heart is set ablaze
And through their voices
Something occurs
Wondrous and amazing
The changes are beginning
And that one voice
Soon realizes the strength
In uttering that first word
And the hearts that moved
In beat to this first plea
Are joyous in the possibility
The light that can shine
When something is challenged
And those who are silent
Are supported up
In order to be heard fully
Voices emerging in an instant
That once were not present
And yet here it is
When they come together
A powerful chorus of voices
Living for change and light.
2020.04. By Sean Moran
註:寫完這一段去檢查一下Sean的帳號,想看看有沒有什麼配圖的靈感,竟發現他剛剛出版一本詩集,Trials, Transformations, Truths,好巧。
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