

I have a dream. I dream to be a sprinter, a short distance runner. Four years ago, I didn't have any dreams. I used to be confused and at lost about my future, every day was painful. Until one day, I turn on the TV and saw an amazing running game. Just then, Su Bingtian on TV rushed over the finish line and won the game. It was so breath-taking. He was the athlete in Aisa who first entered the finals in this international tournament. I want to be like him.

To be a sprinter, I started to practice running at age ten. I practiced six day a week, three hours a day. Rain or shine, I kept practicing. Because of the training, I didn't have time to watch TV or to play with my friends for a long time. Sometimes it was really tired and difficult, but I never give up. One day,I fell down when I was running. After that, I couldn't run because I hurt my leg. The doctor said I need to rest for some time. He also told me that I might not able to be an athlet again after the rest. I was very scary, I was afraid that my legs couldn't get well again and couldn't run on the running track, and I would have to say bye to my teammates. But I didn't want to give up my dream. I was in a bad mood at that time. I could only watch others practice every day. It was torturing and

unbearable. My teachers and classmates came and comforted for me in their free time. Thanks to them, I felt a lot better.

After a few month of the rest, I finally got back to running. At first I ran quite slow just like a turtle, but I kept practicing.

At a race, I felt my speed go back to the previous level. It surprised to me. Because of this good result, I felt happy. All the time and effort I put in the running finally paid off. I work hard after that day.

I didn't join track and field team after I started studying in junior high school, but I didn't want to give up my dream. I still practice every day now, and I hope I can fulfill my dream by myself some day.

Being a sprinter on the track is my dream. To be a runner, I made a sacrifice. Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed. I believe someday, I will realize my dream.

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